Greatly Improved Contribution View for Utopian!
Since my last contribution to Utopian, I've received lots of feedback from the Utopian Developer Team, @espoem, and many other Steemians on improving the Utopian contribution view! I attempted to adhere to @nelsonm's phenomenal design UI and tried to create the best possible view.
This all-new feature will release on the core/live website in just a few days! Take a look:
Contribution View: Before / After
Let's look at a before and after of the contribution view!


Can you tell the difference? :)
First of all, we now feature a post preview so you can find out just what a post is about before reading it.
Next, the tags format is completely revamped, with a gray/black tone. I've coded an all-new tags function to locate the tags of a contribution and remove the utopian-io
The bottom footer of the contribution with the like/comment buttons also has a changed view, with different fonts and icons.
The username and icon are moved to the bottom, and the font color is changed to black for visibility.
Coming soon to a Utopian near you!
Look out for these features and many more in the upcoming release of Utopian in this week! I've built a lot of new views, designs, and features with the help of the rest of the developer team, and we're curious to see what you think!
Thanks for reading,
— @mooncryption
proof of work: commits
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
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Hey @mooncryption I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
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Its is good a show of proyect oficial