How to Contribute in utopian in category "Translations"

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Hello steemians?
How are you today?

Today I want to share how to contribute to utopian in the translation category, to make a contribution in utopian you have to go to website and enter your active key through steemconnect.

Do not be afraid for security because steemconnect does not store your password key so you can safely go to utopian.

I will provide steps to contribute to utopian in the translation category because I get many of these questions from some users who do not yet understand how to contribute in utopian to the translation category


What is utopian?

Utopian is a project that rewards users who contribute to utopian for open source projects. Make sure before you contribute you should read the rules first

To make a translation contribution you must have crowdin account first, if you have not created account crowdin you can directly make it here select "sign up"

Then fill in everything in the picture below to create your crowdin account
Once you have finished creating your account, you should know what project you want to translate, for example I am here to translate the aklfresco project and make sure that this project is not completed 100% translated by others. This is a link to alfresco project
Then you choose in Indonesian because we speak Indonesian, but if you can speak other languages ​​like malaysia you can also translate it accurately because utopian also has mod in various languages

You can see that the untranslated string is still empty as shown below, so you can translate on strings that no one else has translated

After that you have to translate string by string until you translate at least 1000 words for the current rule. Links and codes are not counted in the translation, so make sure if you get the code and links to make translations of more than 1000 words.
After you finish translating up to at least 1000 words without code and links you can see your report on "report" and select "top member" because that is the right word count.
Then once you have finished translating on crowdin you can contribute via utopian, login to utopian using steemconnect, enter your active key, do not enter your master key!
Once you have entered into utopian you now select on the red Iblock icon below to select a category
Select in the "Translations" category yellow and follow the rules below then click on the options below
The first you enter is the repository or called github for the project you are translating, because I made a translation for the alfresco project then I will enter the repository for the project and press enter
Enter a title about your contribution and enter the project name so that moderators can easily check your contribution,
After you finish writing all the instructions you can also just enter the "4" tag because the first tag automatically tags "utopian-io" so you do not have to enter that tag again.

Hope this helps any questions my friends would like to contribute to utopian on the translation category.

Thanks for reading Enjoy your life