DcoinCode Project: To be or not to be?

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone I want to share with you some ideas I shared with a crypto team more than a year ago. The reason I am sharing it is because the crypto team told me I can go to other teams with it. It is important to mention that I was not paid for my work although one of the developers gave me some coins from his own goodwill. I was not very happy with them because after assuring me that I had great ideas and they would love to implement my suggestions they failed to do so.
With that said I have posted it here for all to use as they see fit. This write up is exactly how I submitted it to the team but I have witheld the name of the coin in question and have used 'Dcoin'in it's place. Hope it sparks some creative ideas for anyone reading it and in the end the question "to be or not to be?" will be answered in the affirmative.

What is the DcoinCode Project?

DcoinCode means Dcoin COmmunity DEvelopment project. It is an idea I am proposing to be implemented by the Dcoin team in order to see improved use of the Dcoin client and ultimately, increase in the value of the Dcoin coin.

Why is This Project Necessary?

The value of Dcoin can only rise and remain truly solid if the Dcoin client is populated with contracts. Yes, the rolling peg and freezing of coin supply can also make the price of Dcoin rise, but is the value and adoption really rising? Dcoin needs to be adopted by a large user base for the true value to be reached, and the journey towards this starts with getting the Dcoin community to start using the client. This is what the DcoinCode project has been initiated for.

The Concept

The DcoinCode concept is to use the Dcoin community to drive the quest for the conventional use of Dcoin, by involving both whales and smaller fishes in a well orchestrated marketing web that sees everyone competing healthily in a manner that is beneficial to the value of Dcoin, its community and the world at large.

The Goals of the Project

• Improve the value of Dcoin
• Encourage holding of Dcoin
• Improve the use of the Dcoin and the client market
• Ensure proper distribution of Dcoin
• Create income opportunities for the Dcoin community
• Ensure safety of users' funds
• Establish localized Dcoin/fiat trades across the globe

The participants are the parties that will be involved in this project in order to ensure its success. These are the Dcoin community members that will act as drivers towards the goals that have been set to be achieved with the DcoinCode Project. They have been listed below.
• DcoinCode Team
• DSponsors
• DTraders
• Newbies/New Investors

The DcoinCode Team
This is made up of individuals that manage the DcoinCode project. They create scenarios that lead the Dcoin community to engage in actions that achieve the aims of the DcoinCode project which is primarily taking Dcoin into the world by causing the consistent use of the Dcoin client market. This team may be from the existing Dcoin team or recruited from the community.

The Functions of the DcoinCode Team
• Creating moderated markets that are tailored to the aims and objectives of the DcoinCode project.
• Recruiting and managing community members that will make up the participants necessary for meeting the goals of the project.
• Managing staking grids which is used in defining and allocating appropriate incentives and rewards for positive contributions made by the project community members.
• Collecting and safeguarding Ds that are deposited by community members for the DCloud staking service.

The functions carried out by the DcoinCode team is not limited to the ones mentioned above

The DSponsors
This group is made up of large holders of Dcoin in the community. They will be a significant source of rewards for the DcoinCode project. Since they are the group that stands to gain the most if Dcoin is successful, they will be motivated not just by the goals of the DcoinCode project, but by their personal interest.

The DTraders
These are smaller holders of Dcoin that will be offered rewards and incentives to perform actions that aims to achieve the goals of the DcoinCode project. This group will also be motivated by their self interest, because actions deemed as positive to the cause of the project will lead most times to monetary rewards. The DTrader status is attained by completing the Be-a-DTrader contract.

The DSponsors and DTraders will often compliment themselves. While the DSponsor commit their financial resources in manners advised by the DcoinCode team in order to attain project goals; the DTrader receives financial rewards and incentives for completing actions, as directed by the DcoinCode team.
The DcoinCode team, DSponsor and DTrader all carry out important roles that normally rely on the input of the three parties in order to be successfully executed. While the DcoinCode team sets the stage and directs, the DSponsor and DTrader acts out the plot.

Newbies/New Investors
This includes anyone that is new to the Dcoin project. The DcoinCode team, with the help of the DTraders and DSponsors are going to ensure that these newbies and new investors become solidly involved in the Dcoin project by using the guidelines provided by the DcoinCode project. The aim is to convert the newbies and new investors to DTraders and DSponsors.
The success of the DcoinCode project is dependent on the availability of a cloud staking service that is used to stake Ds of the participants of the DcoinCode project. This service contributes to the goals of the project in the following ways
• The staking interest that accrues from staking forms a substantial source of rewards that is distributed to project participants
• It encourages holding of Dcoin, since the cloud staking require depositing Ds for a while
• It makes it possible for the Dcoin community to have the collateral staking in place
This service will not employ its full potential at the onset of the DcoinCode project, because the staking plans offered will be limited to the immediate needs of the DcoinCode project.
In the long term, after the goals of the DcoinCode project has been achieved this service can be upped to fulfil its real potential, with the use of a website where various coins can buy staking plans using the contract tokens/coins or the Dcoin coin.
Future plans for the website will also include the possibility to complete smart contracts initiated on any smart contract software via the website.
The inclusion of this project in the Dcoin project timeline will also spur the DSponsors into action because they can lay claim to the contract token/coin that will drive the DCloud website. This will be one of their major motivations in ensuring the success of the DcoinCode project.
In essence the proper description for the DCloud website is a platform that offers cloud staking and completion of smart contracts initiated by the native clients of any coin. But this is another project entirely, for now the DCloud will simply offer the staking plans needed for the DcoinCode project.

This is a system employed by the DcoinCode team in managing the DCloud service staking plans. Community members are clustered together in a staking grid based on set criteria that is unique to each grid. These staking grids are useful when strategizing reward systems and managing distribution of Dcoin. They are made available in DCloud market for claiming and allotting.

Features of the Staking Grid
Staking grids share common elements, but their significance and functions vary with each type of grid. The elements are; blocks, cells and slots.
Sample Grid
This is a 6x6 grid


These are the columns of a grid.


These are the rows of a staking grid


Staking Slots
The staking slot is the smallest single unit on either the blocks or cells of a staking grid.


Functions/Importance of Staking Grids

  1. It is used in managing the process of claiming and allotting of Ds staked on DCloud service
  2. It allows easy grouping and allocation of rewards to participants of the DcoinCode project
  3. It helps to easily manage Ds deposited by assigning unique identifiers and markers verifiable by project participants during contracts.

The Value of Staking Grids
The value of a staking grid is ultimately determined by the amount of Ds needed to claim a staking slot multiplied by the number of staking slots in a grid. Hence for the above sample grid which is a 6x6 grid with 36 staking slots, the Ds required to claim the grid would be 36000Ds if each slot was worth 1000Ds.

How the Staking Grids Are Managed
The responsibility of managing the staking grid primarily falls on the DcoinCode team. The primary responsibility of a DSponsor is to provide Ds by claiming staking grids for allotting. It is the DcoinCode team that determines how best to use the Ds to achieve the aims of the DcoinCode project.
When a staking grid is claimed by a DSponsor, he is given the certificate of ownership (this may be in form of a smart contract) which confirms he has a staking grid to his name. The certificate is evidence and is expected to be stored safely because it can be used to lay future claims to coins or as determined by the DcoinCode team.
Depending on the type of grid, it may not be possible to allot two slots on a cell to one individual. The rewards staking grid is one of such example.
Guarantor Staking
This is a unique rewards structure system that is employed on some staking grids. This system requires that the individual that claims a staking grid from selected DCloud contracts will forfeit the staking interest that accrues from all the staking slots that are allotted from the grid. At the expiration of the staking contract the Ds are returned without interest to the depositor.
This system of forfeiting accrued staking interest is the backbone of the DcoinCode project. This is how the Dcoin whales really make an impact on the project, by pledging the staking interest from their cloud staking plans for the purpose of rewarding the DcoinCode project participants such as the newbies and DTraders.

Claiming and Allotting of Staking Grids
Claiming of staking grids is the process the DcoinCode team uses to distribute staking plans to DcoinCode project participants. For instance when a DSponsor takes the be-a-DSponsor contract and deposits Ds for that purpose he is said to have claimed a grid.
After a grid has been claimed by a DSponsor, the process used by the DcoinCode team to distribute the staking slots to DTraders is called allotting of staking grids. This allotting of Ds normally takes place in a be-a-DTrader contract.
Staking Grid Unique Identifiers and Markers
It is necessary that all staking grids made available for claiming have unique identifiers and markers in order to facilitate easy tracking and allocation to the DcoinCode project participants. All staking grids and its elements (blocks, cells and slots), will have unique denotations which will be clearly spelt out in the contracts where they are claimed or allotted.

Marking the Staking Grid
Staking slots allotted to participants are grouped on blocks and cells, using the grid system illustrated below.


The staking grid above is a partially allotted 12x12 grid consisting of 12 blocks and 12 cells. There are 12 staking slots on one block and, 12 staking slots on one cell bringing the total number of slots on a grid to 144. All these will have unique identifiers in other to ensure proper rewards sytem management.


The colour code is used to identify staking slots owned by different individuals.

When staking slots are being allotted on the staking grid above, participants such as the DTraders, denoted with BT1 – BT12 are all given one staking slot from a cell. A DTrader can be allotted a maximum of one slot on a cell, and a maximum of 12 slots from a single block such as the case of BT1 being allotted slots A1 – A12. The grid, cell and the slot ID must be clearly stated in DcoinCode contracts where allotting is done

Cell 1 which has been fully allotted has a total number of 12 DTraders whose contracts tie them to staking slots (A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1, I1, J1, K1, and L1).
Cell 4 is partially allotted and only rewards accruing from staking slots A4, B4, C4, F4, H4 and J4 will be paid out to the DTraders allotted to the slots. The remaining unallotted slots which include D4, E4, G4, I4, K4, and L4 will be paid to the DSponsor who claimed the grid.
The months denoted against the blocks and cells indicate that staking period cover a duration of 12 months. The interest from a staking cell is normally distributed among DTraders that are allotted slots on the cell.
The underlying reason it is necessary for different DTrader to be on one cell is because the whole idea of the DcoinCode project is to develop Dcoin using the community as drivers of success. The method by which the rewards are paid out on a staking grid will be determined by competitiveness of the DTraders on that cell.
A number of set criteria is used to determine who is paid the first rewards and the next, to the last reward.
All participants of the DcoinCode project are rewarded in one way or the other; this is what keeps them motivated and committed to the cause of making Dcoin great. I have noted some possible basis for rewarding project participants.
Basis for rewarding Newbies or New Investors

  1. Client Installation; New investors will be rewarded for installing the Dcoin client for the first time.
  2. KYC verification: New users are rewarded for completing the KYC (Know Your Customer) verification on the Dcoin client.
  3. First time deposit: All first time deposits are rewarded if they meet the minimum deposit requirement as specified in the First time deposit contract in the DTrader-Reward market.
  4. Complete a practice contract; the practice contract involves tutoring new client installers on the basics of using the client and the DcoinCode project. Practicing things like pay-to-email, making change plus educating them on using the client market is done here.
    The list above is not stamped, it could always change based on the discretion of the DcoinCode team. The DTrader faucet and the bonus faucet grid are used to finance most these rewards for newbies.
    Basis for Rewarding DTraders and DSponsors
    DTraders are rewarded based on the contracts completed in their private moderated markets. The reward payable differs with each contract as determined by the DcoinCode team. They are mostly rewarded with Ds.
    DSponsors are rewarded based on the staking grids they claim from the DcoinCode team’s DCloud markets or from the DTrader’s referral market. They are mostly rewarded with certificates/points/tokens

To define how staking rewards are distributed on grids claimed by DSponsors, we will look at the allotting of staking slots on the grid.

Rewards on Unallotted Grids

The above image shows the status of the grid upon being claimed by a DSponsor. It is an unallotted grid because the stake slots have not been allotted to any DTrader. If this grid remains unallotted throughout the duration of the staking contract, all the rewards that accrue from staking will be given to the DSponsor.
A positive thing about unallotted staking grids is that they help to create scarcity of Ds by tying up Ds in cloud staking contracts.

Rewards on Partially Allotted Grids
Rewards on a partially allotted staking grid will normally be split between the DTraders whose contracts have allotted staking slots on the grid, and the DSponsor who claimed the grid.


In the above image, the staking slots on cell 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been allotted and thus the staking rewards will be payable to the DTraders, while the rewards from the unallotted cells 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, and 12 will be paid to the DSponsor. The faucet grid is an example of a staking grid that may have this pattern during the allotting process.


The partial allotting seen in PAG2 could occur in the process of allotting slots on a challenge grid. In this case only the staking slots allotted on a cell will produce a payout to the participants.

Rewards on Fully Allotted Grids


The grid above has been fully allotted and all the Ds earned from staking will be distributed to the parties that the slots have been allotted to.

Types of Staking Grids Available for Claiming
There are 4 staking grids I propose for a start for the DcoinCode project, and they include

  1. DSponsor Grid
  2. Challenge Grid
  3. Faucet Grid
  4. Collateral (Dbanker ) Grid

The DSponsor Grid (3x4 Staking Plan)
The DcoinCode team makes this grid available for claiming in the Be-A-DSponsor contract. When a user completes the requirements stated in the contract listed in this market he will be given the DSponsor status.
Claiming the DSponsor Grid


The DSponsor grid is a 3x4 staking grid that contains a total of 12 staking slots, with each slot needing 5000Ds to claim. An intending DSponsor requires a deposit of 60000Ds before he is issued certificate/points/contract tokens or coins as a form of attestation and reward.

Managing & Allotting the DSponsor Grid


In the staking grid above 12 DTraders, BT1 – BT12 have been allotted staking slots, slot 1 – 12 by tying them up in the Be-A-DTrader contract via the Dcoin client market.
When a DSponsor grid is claimed, the primary responsibility of allotting the grid to DTraders falls on the DcoinCode team and the existing DTraders who are offered rewards for referrals. These grids are allotted by putting up be-a-DTrader contracts in public moderated markets or through existing DTraders’ private moderated market.
Markets that use this grid
• DCloud Market
• Be-A-DSponsor Market
• Be-A-DTrader Market
Importance of the DSponsor grid to the DcoinCode project
• It is a source of reward to DTraders in the Be-A-DTrader Market
The Challenge Grid (12x12 Staking Plan)
Challenges are contests organised by the DcoinCode team towards achieving the goals of the project. The challenge grid is used to source funds from DSponsors using the guarantor staking system. The staked Ds are returned to the DSponsors on the expiration of the contract, in addition to certificates that attest that they have claimed a challenge grid.

Claiming the Challenge Grid
The challenge grid is a 12x12 staking grid with a total number of 144 staking slots worth 1000Ds each. A DSponsor is required to deposit 144000Ds before he can claim one challenge grid. The grid is made available for claiming in the Claim-Challenge-Grid contract in the DCloud market. After it has been claimed, the DcoinCode team can now initiate the process of allotting the grid.


The grid above is an example of a challenge grid and therefore will not permit DTraders to have more than one staking slot on a cell, based on the terms of a challenge contract

Criteria for Reward on a Challenge Grid


Each cell on this grid represents a different challenge where the participants get rewarded from the accrued cell staking interest based on the terms of the challenge contract.
For instance cell 2 rewards the DTraders based on the criteria “most KYC completed”. This means that the DTraders who get the highest number of new users to complete the KYC (know your customer) verification in the client will be the ones to collect the staking cell’s interest.
The DcoinCode team could decide to hand out rewards on the challenge grid in ratios based on top 3, top 5, or top (n), depending on the nature of the challenge.

Faucet Grid
The grid is used to harness and reward the philanthropic nature of the Dcoin community. This is because the Ds that are used to claim the faucet grid are never returned; neither are the staking rewards that accrue from unallotted slots payable to the DSponsor.
Function/Importance of the Faucet Grid

  1. It is used to source funds through donations from the larger holders of Dcoin
  2. The Ds from this grid provide a ‘no strings attached’ financial support to the DcoinCode team because the staked Ds are not returned to the DSponsor
  3. The grid provides the Ds needed to service most contracts that are offered in first actions contracts found in a DTrader-Reward market.

Claiming the Faucet Grid
Faucet grids may vary in sizes as determined by the DcoinCode team. Here are the few I am proposing

  1. DTrader Faucet Grid
  2. Referral Faucet Grid
  3. Discount/Deposit/(or)Bonus Faucet Grid
    The DTrader or General Faucet Grid
    This grid has a total number of 48 staking slots, with each slot costing just 20Ds; meaning a DSponsor needs just 480 Ds to claim one 4X12 DTrader faucet grid. This grid is given the title ‘general’ because the Ds collected with this grid serves different purposes as determined by the DcoinCode team. They are also useful in introducing new users to the different DcoinCode moderated markets and getting them to try out contracts by offering faucet rewards.
    Claiming the DTrader Faucet Grid
    The DSponsor claims the grid by depositing 960Ds through a DCloud contract titled Claim-a-DTrader-faucet grid.
    Allotting the DTrader Faucet Grid

To be allotted the DTrader faucet grid, a DTrader is expected to take the offer-Rewards contract in the DcoinCode team market.
Contracts related to the DTrader Faucet Grid

  1. Claim a DTrader faucet grid (DcoinCode team/DSponsor)
  2. Contracts in a DTraders private market where the DTrader offers rewards for actions such as ‘Client Install Reward’, ‘KYC Reward’, and ‘Practice- Contract Reward’ contracts and so on.(DTraders/new DTraders and DTraders/newbies)
  3. ‘Refer-A-DTrader’ contract, ‘Offer Client Install Rewards’, ‘Offer KYC Rewards’, ‘Offer Practice-Contract Rewards’ contracts, etc

Referral Faucet Grid
This is a 2X2 grid that is made available to DSponsors for claiming. Each stake slot cost 50Ds, with grid costing 200Ds. The purpose of this grid is to reward DTraders that get new users to attain the DTrader status.
Claiming the Referral Faucet Grid


The referral faucet grid is claimed by a DSponsor that takes and completes the Claim-referral-faucet contract.

Allotting the Referral Faucet Grid

This grid is always allotted to just one DTrader that has taken the Offer-Referral contract from the DcoinCode team market.

Bonus Faucet Grid
This grid will service DTrader markets aimed at encouraging deposits of Dcoin to client wallets by new client installers. The unique thing about this grid is that the price of the staking slot is not fixed and is changed as the market price of Dcoin changes.

Claiming the Bonus Faucet Grid
This is a 3x4 grid with 12 staking slots worth 100Ds each meaning a DSponsor will need to claim the grid with 1200Ds. It is claimed in the Claim-Bonus-Faucet Grid contract.

Allotting the Bonus Faucet Grid
This grid is allotted to one DTrader who takes the ‘Reward-First-Deposit’ contract in the DcoinCode team’s market


Collateral (Dbanker) Grid
The collateral grid is a 12X12 staking grid that is entirely different from the regular DSponsor grids. They are usually claimed by the DTraders who wish to enjoy some special privileges in the client market. These privileges include taking loans, buying products on credit and completing DDE contracts without needing to deposit any Dcoin in escrow.
When the DCloud service is fully functional, this grid can be taken by anyone irrespective of whether they are part of the DcoinCode project participants

Claiming the Collateral Grid
To claim this grid the DTrader will need to take up the collateral staking contract from the DcoinCode team moderated market. He is normally required to deposit 60000Ds because each stake slot is worth 5000Ds, although the whole deposit is not mandatory. He can start with just 5000Ds, provided he does not engage in contracts that require collaterals larger than the staked Ds.

Allotting the Collateral Grid


This is the only staking grid that is allotted to the individual that claims it, because all the staking interest that accrues from the grid will be paid to the DTrader.

Functions/Importance of the Collateral Grid
• This grid is the backbone of the Dloans market, which is a market that makes loans accessible to individuals who have claimed the collateral grid
• The sponsor-me project also relies on the collateral grid
• The international trade contracts
• Buy for me contracts etc
The collateral staking grid is a great tool that opens up a world of possibilities for the Dcoin market client. These will be elaborated on

Unlimited Possibilities for staking grids
The DcoinCode team at any point in time can come up with a staking grid aimed at spurring participants into action that will be to the advantage of the value of Dcoin. Such examples are mentioned below.

i. A derivatives grid: DSponsors claim grids that make Ds available for buying at a fixed market price to DTraders in the future provided certain conditions are met by the DTrader.
ii. Proxy trade grid: This grid is used to provide funds needed to execute proxy trade contracts. This involves buying of goods on behalf of DTraders who will resell it for profit.
There really is an unlimited use case for the staking grids.

Real staking grid values as well as rewards attached to claiming and allotting them, will be determined by the Dcoin team

The moderate markets are created for the purpose of listing contracts that are related to the DcoinCode project. These markets are essential, because they help to organize and propel the community towards various functions and actions to be performed in order to achieve the goals of the DcoinCode project.
These markets have different rules and requirements to be met before participants in the market can engage in contracts. These rules are usually displayed in a ‘notice board’ on entering the market.
When needed, parties involved in the contract can ensure that they meet the requirements by carrying out verifications before proceeding to contract completion. For instance a moderated market may require KYC verifications of participants.

There are three types of moderated markets the DcoinCode project will utilize in achieving its goals;

  1. The DcoinCode team moderated market
  2. The public moderated markets
  3. The private moderated markets

These markets are basically used for categorization or sorting purposes. A user can sort by contract offers available in the public markets, and sort by parties offering contracts in private markets.
It’s like running your own ‘private’ store where you display all kinds of fashion goods in stock and then taking your shoes off for display in a ‘public’ shoes only trade fair.

The DcoinCode Team Moderated Market (Base Market)
This market is operated by the DcoinCode team and is essentially where most DcoinCode related contracts find their roots. It is from this market that participants receive authority to open their own private moderated markets. Contracts are listed here by only the DcoinCode team.
All public and private moderated markets can find its origin in contracts started in this market. It is the base market from where other DcoinCode markets sprout and develop.
Examples of markets that are part of the base markets include;

  1. The DCloud Market; this is where cloud staking contracts are listed. Projects participants can claim or get allotted to staking grids in this market. Contracts listed here include Be-a-DTrader, Be-a-DSponsor and other claiming and allotting contracts.
  2. Refer and Earn Market; contracts listed by the DcoinCode team in this market is primarily targeted at DTraders that want to be rewarded for carrying out marketing tasks for the good of the DcoinCode project.
    Contracts found in the DcoinCode team market are contracts that empower DTraders to go out there and get contracts done. DTraders are encouraged to market Dcoin to mainstream using blogs, forums, and social media; and general representation of Dcoin in fine light to potential investors.
    For instance the DTrader is the one saddled with the job of recruiting new client installers, converting client installers to DTraders, and also recruiting DSponsors.
    Before a DTrader can start recruiting project participants, the first step is to be contracted to do so by the DcoinCode team. This is done by taking contracts from the DcoinCode team ‘Refer and earn’ market.

The Public Moderated Markets (Display Markets)
These markets showcase common contracts of different participants in one place. No deals are actually completed in public markets, because they are used as fronts for adverts and to notify all the contracting partners of the rules governing the actual market (private moderated markets) where they will complete the contracts advertised. This is why the public moderated market is termed as a display market.
All public moderated markets are opened by the DcoinCode team, but all contracts listed in it are listed by the DcoinCode project participants. These contracts are listed publicly but will be completed in private markets.
The essence of this market is to enforce a competitive environment; users can scan through options and complete contracts with partners that are readily available online.
These markets will normally explain what the market is about using a notice to be displayed in the market or via an external link.

The Private Moderated Markets (Active Markets)
This is the market where all contracts that are displayed in the public markets are actually executed. All contracts executed in the DcoinCode project must always be traced to the private market where it was carried out; and in some cases the base market. This is how the participants can easily be tracked and rewarded for outstanding contributions towards the DcoinCode project. So if a DTrader coerces a newbie to make some Dcoin deposits and to fulfil the requirements needed become a DTrader, he can be rewarded rightly because the contract originated from his own private moderated market.

In this section I have proposed some contracts for the DcoinCode project. These contracts are grouped by the DcoinCode participants and moderated markets where they are found.

  1. DcoinCode Team Moderated Market Contracts:
    The DcoinCode team’s markets include the DCloud market, where claiming and alloting of staking grids are done; and the Refer and Earn Market, where participants are recruited for marketing Dcoin.

  2. Public Moderated Market Contracts
    There are numerous markets that are classified as public moderated markets, and each of them will have its own set of rules that governs it. As has been stated before the public market serves as a display market and no contract is actually completed here. All contracts listed here will refer the party taking the contract to the corresponding private market of the individual that list the contract. The main purpose of these markets is to explain the rules that apply to all markets of its nature in the DcoinCode project.
    Most of the contracts in a DTrader’s private market has its own corresponding stand-alone market e.g. Be-A-DSponsor public market.

  3. DTrader Private Moderated Markets Contracts:
    This market consists of two main markets which include the Dtrader-Referral Market and the Dtrader-Rewards Market.
    i. The DTrader- Reward Market: This market is used by the Dtrader to list contracts that offers users reward for taking actions recommended by the DcoinCode project team. The Dtrader that opens this market must have taken the Offer-Rewards-Market contract from the DcoinCode team's Refer-and-Earn market.
    ii. The DTrader-Referral Market: Contracts listed here are mostly executed between the Dcode team and the user referred by the Dtrader.

  • Refer to the excel worksheet for some examples contracts listed in this market*
    List of Contracts Suggested for the DcoinCode Project
  1. Offer-Practice Contract: Taking this contract allows Dtraders to offer ‘Practice’ contracts in their private markets
  2. The Practice Contract: The DTrader list this contract in his private market. The aim is to educate newbies about Dcoin and the Dcode project.
  3. Offer-Reward Contract: Listed in the Dcode team moderated market to reward Dtraders for referring newbies. The Dtrader faucet and bonus faucet grids are claimed in this contract.
  4. KYC Reward Contracts: These are contracts used to reward and incentivise newbies and new investors to complete KYC verification.
  5. Client-Install-Reward: Newbies can claim reward for installing the client.
  6. Refer-A-DSponsor: Contract to get rewarded for referring DSponsors
  7. Refer-A-DTrader: Contract to get rewarded for referring DTraders
  8. Be-A-DTrader: Contract to become a DTrader
  9. Be-A-DSponsor: Contract to become a DSponsor
    These are a few basic contracts to be used in the DcoinCode project.

How Referrals Are Noted
The easy way a DTrader’s referrals are noted in other to ensure he gets all rewards payable for his efforts is by creating a private market where one of the following methods is used to complete contracts.

  1. The DTrader creates a referral market where the DcoinCode team list contracts that will be completed between the team and the DTrader’s referrals; and in so doing the team keeps track of the number of contracts it completes in the DTrader’s private market and rewards him accordingly. This means the DTrader opens the private market, but contracts will only be listed by the DcoinCode team.
  2. The other way is for the DcoinCode team to tell the DTrader to list the contract himself in his private market but will provide him with unique contact that will be used divert the contracts for completion to the DcoinCode team. All completed referral contracts are then noted down for the rewards allocation. This means the DTrader opens the private market and list the contracts but the contract’s contact details belong to the DcoinCode team.
    The 2x2 referral faucet grid is used rewarding DTraders. This grid pays 200Ds for every four referrals.

Business Opportunities
The Dcoin client is powerful and the only limitation it has as a tool for future ecommerce is that which the Dcoin and crypto community places on it. We need to start looking beyond crypto folks for worldwide acceptance and adoption; this is when the true value of the coin will be unleashed.
If the DcoinCode project is implemented properly, I believe this will be the start of great future for Dcoin. I have an ecommerce website idea that will see the adoption of Dcoin by the mainstream markets with an initial focus on Nigeria.

This is an original post made by @multifacet on the steemit and whaleshares platform


Hello @multifacet, this is indeed lengthy, holds a lot of information and innovative ideas. However, I could not pinpoint the project this idea contribution is for. On Utopian, your contribution should or even must refer to a specific open source project which you want to improve or contribute to. I encourage you to go through Utopian guidelines to help you with your next contribution on Utopian. I really appreciate your effort and hope to see your next awesome contribution via Utopian.

Thank you!!!!

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Hi @knowledges thanks for dropping by. I will follow your suggestions as per the guidelines, but isn't the repository link in my post telling on where I am going with the ideas presented in the post? Thanks again for taking your time here.

but isn't the repository link in my post telling on where I am going with the ideas presented in the post?

The repository attached does not have in it any code and also license. Ideas made via Utopian has be attached to a working project with codes in it.

Thank you for your review, @knowledges!

So far this week you've reviewed 2 contributions. Keep up the good work!

Thats code project

Posted using Partiko Android

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Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by multifacet from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

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