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RE: Non-lineair rewards: convergent linear vs fish-size bonus

in #utopian-io5 years ago (edited)

Can you plot your scaling curve on the mvest scale? Basically have x be MVEST and y be $ vote value?

I think that is in the end the metric we all can grasp. And any discussion about it needs to show how it differs in this comparison from other curves and why that is good.

Edit: your current plot compares apples with oranges, as the other curves all apply on the resulting rshares and your curve applies per voter. Which makes a difference, as your x axis is personal vests in your blue line but rshares on the post in the orange line.


No oranges, all apples! Comparing reward scaling functions to reward scaling functions, that is what my blog post is about. Maybe read @trafalgar's post for some background on the orange line. @trafalgar talks in terms of n^2/(1+n) that as scaling function translate to n/(1+cn)

In this plot the X axis is in VEST on a log scale (added the fish type graphics to make it understandable to people who don't think in terms of MVEST)and the Y axis represents . The Y axis can ve seen as $ vote value "per MVEST".

You could multiply each of the equation by some c x V, but doing so will just show slightly curved almost linear lines that truly don't communicate what the "per MVEST" graph communicates. That's the whole problem I am trying to address here. If you use a lineair X axis or plot $ against MVEST or both, you end up obfiscating that whatever S you choose for the orange curve, you either allow orcas and whales to not be incentified to good behaviour, or you end up screwing over new accounts so badly that you basically end up stating that we are full and new accounts are no longer welcome.

But in case you want to play with the scaling equations a bit, here is the code I used to make this graph:

Hope this one helps. Removed the floor function as that one seems to truly confuse you while its sole purpose was to take away confusion for the average user, so if it confuses you it loses its purpose.

The blue line is the current linear reward n -> c.

The brown, pink and gray line are the linear convergent rewards Sn/(1+Sn) -> c/(1+Sn) for different values of S.

The orange, green and purple lines are my nS^log(n)-> S^log(n+c) lines for different values of S.

Again, note that the scale for X is logaritmic, while the Y axis is linear and conveys the reward per unit of influence in order to clearly demonstrate the scaling properties of the reward scaling functions.