RE: PHP Tutorial #14 String Methods (Md5_File, Md5, Nl2br and Addcslaches )
Happy New Year @alexendre-maxim
Thank you for your contribution to the video tutorial.
I can see that your recent video tutorials have improved in your presentations and that you have put effort in your delivery.
You are also speaking slower and more deliberate in your speech.
You can try to pay more special attention to certain words.
Eg. In the beginning you mentioned about 'heading', so I knew you were talking about 'heading', but when I listened to your audio, I heard 'hidden' instead of 'heading'.
Heading and hidden are different as the vowel sound of 'heading' is a short "e", whereas the "i' in hidden is a short 'i' sound.
My students who are learning English as a second language has that difficulty also. They can't distinguish between a short i sound from a short e sound.
So you can pay careful attention to the vowel sounds in the pronunciation.
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Thank you for your review, @rosatravels! Keep up the good work!
Thank you @rosatravels , I will do my best to speak correctly.