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RE: Particle physics @ Utopian - Implementing an LHC analysis on a computer: the physics objects

in #utopian-io6 years ago

i was actually thinking about something since i'm not really the C-expert ... it just wandered through my mind i guess. I don't know if C comes with the masters degree in physics or if its just a necessary hobby btw?

But, in the hope i understand correctly (i have by nothing near the skill to work on this) the LHC is basically built to look for new particles so what you call jets is data gathered from colliding particles at near lightspeed, right ? it probably looks like some kind of quantum-sized explosion or maybe it actually looks like a jet ? can you even see it in anything but the numbers or does it look like a spike on a graph overthere ?
So (im just trying to get it, its a bit late i know but i 'm not very linear person i was thinking about it a few days ago.

You create a dataset where all these jets fit in (an object or class or whatever its called in the language used) and then compare it to existing particles (like electrons for instance which have a certain number of

euhm ... attributes ? :-) that are already know through observation over time, basically through empirical study, if all of the attributes fit thes current "jet" in question then it is set aside to go for the next one to compare to all that exists BUT

phew, im getting to it ? are you like 100% sure that this means it IS an electron (or whatever other already known particle) or does that mean its highly probable ... and what

(o dear ... lol) what constitutes a new particle ... i mean since it's new, how do you know its a particle at all and how do you know a set of data which is discarded is NOT one because maybe since its UNknown it might just be something no one ever taught of, its like murray gell-man came up with quarks (or proved the existence that im not sure i just remember the man for his very polyvalent skillset which probably gave him a lot of insight from macro to quantum and back), just an example, but before that quarks "didnt exist"

so in case of particles that dont exist , what exactly do you use to

euhm ...

toooooooo .... to 'understandr wether it IS one or not ? or just noise or i dont know 'quantum debris ?' lol just making the word up as i go you know i dont have any kind of education in physics but you seem to be a patient explaining man so

here i am :)

hoping you still read this on a near dead post (i mean paid out sorry bad choice of words, these articles are pretty timeless arent they)

allright sorry for the mess i hope i made some sense in my questions ?


I don't know if C comes with the masters degree in physics or if its just a necessary hobby btw?

Programming comes with practice. The basics can be learned in a couple of days on the web. Then practice, practice and practice will leads to improvement :)

But, in the hope i understand correctly (i have by nothing near the skill to work on this) the LHC is basically built to look for new particles so what you call jets is data gathered from colliding particles at near lightspeed, right

Jets is something connected to a specific class of particles. Strongly-interacting particles have the property, at high-energy, to radiate other strongly-interacting and so on. Therefore, once one has produced one of these particles, we ned up with a bunch of them roughly moving along the same direction. This is what is called a jet. Does it clarify?

You create a dataset where all these jets fit in (an object or class or whatever its called in the language used) and then compare it to existing particles (like electrons for instance which have a certain number of [...]

However, in terms of detector hits, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference between a jet and an electron. And for physics, we need to make sure we consider a jet as a jet and an electron as an electron. For that reason, we need to design identification strategies.

(o dear ... lol) what constitutes a new particle ... i mean since it's new, how do you know its a particle at all and how do you know a set of data which is discarded is NOT one because maybe since its UNknown it might just be something no one ever taught of, its like murray gell-man came up with quarks (or proved the existence that im not sure i just remember the man for his very polyvalent skillset which probably gave him a lot of insight from macro to quantum and back), just an example, but before that quarks "didnt exist" [...]

New particles are often unstable and often decays into known stuff. By comparing what we expect in terms of known stuff and what is observed, we can conclude about the existence (or not) of a new particle. Of course, other searches also look for stable new particles. In short: this is covered ;)

I hope this answers everything, otherwise please come back to me :)

well i know a bit of programming that's not it, i think i wrote my first "hello world" when i was eight or nine in basic, i just don't know C hahah, my comfort zone atm is more with linux shell , somewhat of a linux fan, im actually busy (and the word is busy, its more like ergotherapy in the middle of fits of temporal insanity of which the frequency directly relates to stress levels after too many years in this town)
something i call steemterm

which is a collection of functions and commands that can be used by mainscripts, mainly bubbled out of things i used for my account @ubasti which i hope to turn into a location independent folder structure that can be used anywhere and with the right permissions should be able to be contained to its own root, preferring functions over subcommands so as not to spawn extra processes. I run minimal machines after all. Actually i'm hoping to end up with something i can cram onto a [vocore]( , the weirdo version of the raspberry lol but thats all hobby and ergotherapy as said. Most important is brainrot prevention. I don't think focus on serious projects and this thing goes along at about a few lines of code per night (on a good night)
and some php but there's nothing much special to that since that's just used to generate html which isnt even a programming language :p

( )

i find most available tools not quite doing what i exactly want and i just like terminal commands so it's 'a thing' i guess. Basically i try to go for minimal network load and fast response, keeping account historys locally unless asked to reload, only downloading incrementally like if the local hist has 12000 txs and the online has 12050 then it will only download the last 50 and append to the local file because i think not doing that would stress the network way too much, the local can be parsed very fast with linux on an ssd drive

and so on because i'm going on and on lol .. i think that's what i'll be doing most my posting about when i get my frequency down to one per day or less (the money is an important part to me, alas)

back to the physics .... so by "strongly-interacting" you mean the particles that collide when you shoot them through the tunnel (or whatever you call it overthere ?) or particles that actually basically revolve like electrons around neutrons/protons and such ?
Yes i remember when the LHC wasnt even active there was this whole doomsday cult about how it was going to destroy the world by creating a black hole that would suck down the whole planet, but in fact those mini black holes (if at all black holes) wouldn't even exist long enough, even if they had the power to suck down (pardon my lack of professional language again) anything at all, i think i get that much.
Now the last big thing i know of was the elusive higgs boson , nicknamed god particle for some reason, of which im not still quite sure what its supposed to do in the grand scheme of things but there has probably been a collision or two, maybe three since that :p
so are you looking for something that has actually already been theorized or are you just looking for potential signs of the unknown ? something you need to fill in the gaps in the current theories ? the elusive dark matter filling up the cosmos maybe ?

It's a whole lot to grasp, i'm sure even there most people have a specific sub-field of study because the whole science is SO large i doubt any single one person could just specialize in all of it anymore, right ?

right ... when in hischool i had a lot of teachers asking me to keep my essays short lol, so i guess this should be reply then ... (imagine what an essay was hahah-)

I you know basic, I am sure learning C could be done in a day or two :)

so by "strongly-interacting" you mean the particles that collide when you shoot them through the tunnel (or whatever you call it overthere ?) or particles that actually basically revolve like electrons around neutrons/protons and such ?

I actually mean particles sensitive to the strong interactions. At the elementary level, those are quarks and gluons.

Yes i remember when the LHC wasnt even active there was this whole doomsday cult about how it was going to destroy the world by creating a black hole that would suck down the whole planet, but in fact those mini black holes (if at all black holes) wouldn't even exist long enough, even if they had the power to suck down (pardon my lack of professional language again) anything at all, i think i get that much.

Do you mean this? More seriously, a blackhole both accrete matter and evaporate. It can then grow or shrink according to the relative magnitude of the two processes. As a result of the LHC energy , any black hole that could be potentially created at the LHC will evaporate in no time.

Now the last big thing i know of was the elusive higgs boson , nicknamed god particle for some reason [..]

This is because of an editor who wanted to sell some books... The original title was "The Goddamn particle". The 'damn' has been scratched, with the associated disastrous effect.

Now, the Higgs boson is actually a background to many searches :)

lol ok ... spoken like a true particle physicist i suppose :D
i'm not sure everyone would come to grasp C in two days when they know basic , i suppose you refer to the programming logic being the same whatever you language you use but basic is basic because it's basic and C is closer to machine level so maybe its simple to grasp if you study the building blocks of the universe for a hobby and a living ;-) and maybe i could if i would be able to focus get it down fast (i usually don't really store syntax, i just look it up, if i do a php script this month and i do one next month i probably have to look up the exact way to write loops or conditionals just to make sure because even if i can figure out the algorithm in my head the actual syntax or way of writing isnt really in my head not for php, not for javascript, not for much anything but spoken language i think :-) its just me, i know thats not how must people function but i dont function on dopamine either.
which is not a milennial instant gratification thing i just can't be lured with it the big reward in the future if you just do this and that right now and behave. Like dali liked to say ... i'm not weird, i'm simply abnormal lol

(ah that's my favourite neuromancer there in the video, one who i would have loved to have for docent back when my brain was in one piece, im sure he could have lifted me up to greater heights, very inspiring person)

I mean it's easy for someone to just ... like maslow said (also one of my all-time favourites, especially the pyramid) and something i call observers paradox or in some cases homocentrism to see the world from where you're standing.

People would tell me all the time how easy it is to lay a driveway and cut a brick in half just by feeling with one hit while i kept telling them you serioulsy don't want me to build a wall for the house you're gonna sleep in what comes easy to one isnt so much for another

i never actually had use for c and thats why i never looked into it i always thought if it comes to that why not go straight for assembler lol, but it hasnt, and i doubt it will anytime soon.

Before i lose myself in psycho-filosofy again ..

i had to look that up and its more clear now . Just having someone willing to talk about it already makes a difference and i never knew thats why they called it the god particle


i see you have a french post on the fifth force ..

and here i was thinking there's a weak and a strong force but i seem to miss two then ?

i might come back with more questions later, thanks a LOT for taking time every time

I naively think that if one person understands one language, he/she can understand any programming language. But maybe I am too naive? But as you (kind of) said, at the end of the day, it is just a matter of knowing how to find the necessary information efficiently.

Just having someone willing to talk about it already makes a difference and i never knew thats why they called it the god particle

Between 'god' and 'goddamn', the difference is 4 letters and better sales :)

i see you have a french post on the fifth force ..
and here i was thinking there's a weak and a strong force but i seem to miss two then ?

There is a link to the English version of that post on the first paragraph of my French post. You are missing the most well-known forces: electromagnetism and gravity :)

Don't hesitate to shoot any extra question!

you shouldn't lower yourself simply because ... i think if there were more people like you physics would have a shot at the mainstream

i can manage with the french post i'm sure, an opportunity :)

i can manage with the french post i'm sure, an opportunity :)

What is easier: C++ or French? :)

hahah , if i didnt know any better i'd think you were trying to make me have a go at it :p ...

i stil have a book here i bought long ago but i actually never started :


As you can see from the html version a long time ago in a galaxy far away, when i had this most exciting job for the government (which in my case means taking photocopies and writing letters because that's all im good for without a degree , i dont think they actualy hire people anymore who don't have a college or preferable uni degree, not even for making coffee lol). The job was SO boring and so quickly finished i went out at noon to the bookstore a lot and bought some, got the IT-guy to give me full access and learned html lol. But never got to the rest, when the contract ended and everyone told me to go "talk to this one" and "talk to that one" because they could make sure i could stay i thanked them and said that i might come back when i'm 50 because otherwise i would die of boredom if i stayed there ... (people totally declared me crazy for refusing that)

as for your question, im not sure if you're asking the right person since i had computer for a friend since i was eight (my trusty c64 and after getting bored out of latin/math i ended up studying 'modern' languages in high school)

BUT if i would take a logical approach to the question (regardless of personal talent of people) i'd say C is easier because there are no exceptions, and living language always has exceptions . Programming logic remains the same over all languages (the core at least) so C would be easier, but i bet to a lot of people it's not :)