1162 Translated Words for DigitalMediaServer | Cebuano Translation | 1st Contribution , Part 1

Project Details
Digital Media Server is a free and open-source media server capable of serving audio, video and images to UPnP AV and DLNA-capable devices. In this contribution I translated a total of 1162 words out of 4162 words. A total of 3000 words remaining to be translated.
Links related to the translation
- My Profile & Activity
- GithubRepositry
- CrowdinLink
- Link Project
- Sample Link Project File 1
- Sample Link Project File 2
Source Language
Write here the source language of the project: ENGLISH
Translated Language
I have translated 1162 English words to my native language Filipino.
Number Of Words
Write here the total number of words you have translated.
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1162 words
Proofread Words
I have translated and approve 1162 words total of 294 strings

Before Translation

After Translation

My DigitalMediaServer Report

Previous translation on the same project
This is my first contribution for this project DigitalMediaServer.
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 0
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
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