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RE: [Busy] cannot edit posts

in #utopian-io6 years ago

Thanks for your contribution @blockchainstudio

I am unable to review two contributions in a single post, therefore I will only review the issue surrounding editing that you found and provided a fix for. You can add another contribution to the other issues should you wish :)

As always it's great to see that you've reported and provided a PR for the issue found, great work.

The issue, in my opinion, would be a considerable hole in the UX should that be pushed to live, as users have the ability to redirect staging within their busy settings I agree that this would have affected a good number of users. With that said, bugs such as this are to be expected within their staging as new features are pushed more reguarly.

Overall the steps provided were easy to follow and due to the nature of the issue not much explanation was required.

Once again, keep up the good work and look forward to seeing more from you in the future.

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Hi @tobias-g, thanks you for your review! I see, next time I'll submit only one bug at a time. Probably I may not want to report too many bugs either way (of course I always do on GH), but I'm just curious. is it okay to use a subaccount for some bug reporting? I don't want to fill up my blog with bug reports :) Thanks!

Thank you for your review, @tobias-g! Keep up the good work!