Promoting TensorFlow Algorithm by Google to Three Countries ( 5200+Reach)

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


My Name is Zafar Ali with STEEMIT USERNAME @zafaralise and here is the link to my FACEBOOK PROFILE and also give the link to my FACEBOOK PAGE which I will be using to promote open source projects to Pakistan and India.

I try my best to spread the good news of open source projects. so, I am promoting TensorFlow algorithm on facebook by use facebook compain ad which is built by Google Brain Team. TensorFlow is advance artificial intelligence i decided to promote this open source and free TensorFlow algorithm on facebook.


I targeted audience from three countries (Pakistan, India and Bangladesh ).in this image show the targeted audience.


Location: Pakistan, India Banladesh

Potential Reach: 310,000,000

Gender: Both (Men & Women)

Age: 18 - 65+


I created a page which name are "Open Source Projects Promotion".

page ownership proof


Promoting to Three Countries (5200+ Reach) post TensorFlow Algorithm by Google

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i also add website link TensorFlow Algorithm by Google . in Learn more add the button of officla website of TensorFlow Algorithm by Google .

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TensorFlow Algorithm by Google post show with our facebook page name Open Source Projects Promotion

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Here is link to Page.

Here is link to Post


My facebook TensorFlow Algorithm by Google ad campaign successfully reached to 5200+ (Still increasing). Details about TensorFlow Algorithm by Google post in our page. in this picture show everything about the facebook ad compain

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Charts For campaign :TensorFlow Algorithm by Google

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Facebook Charts For campaign : TensorFlow Algorithm by Google

Target both men and women. but the Woment Reach 25% & Men 75 this time target three country .

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Charts For campaign : TensorFlow Algorithm by Google

Facebook TensorFlow Algorithm by Google campain ad placement for compain which is uesd . My facebook TensorFlow Algorithm by Google ads were displayed on three mediums Facebook, Messenger and the Instagram.

Facebook:2.288 K Reach

Instagram0.533:k Reach

Messenger: 2.323k Reach

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TensorFlow Algorithm by Google promotion proof Video

TensorFlow Algorithm proof video(india,pak,Ban) from zafaralise on Vimeo.

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