Promoting TensorFlow Algorithm by Google to Three Countries ( 5200+Reach)
My Name is Zafar Ali with STEEMIT USERNAME @zafaralise and here is the link to my FACEBOOK PROFILE and also give the link to my FACEBOOK PAGE which I will be using to promote open source projects to Pakistan and India.
I try my best to spread the good news of open source projects. so, I am promoting TensorFlow algorithm on facebook by use facebook compain ad which is built by Google Brain Team. TensorFlow is advance artificial intelligence i decided to promote this open source and free TensorFlow algorithm on facebook.
I targeted audience from three countries (Pakistan, India and Bangladesh ).in this image show the targeted audience.
Location: Pakistan, India Banladesh
Potential Reach: 310,000,000
Gender: Both (Men & Women)
Age: 18 - 65+
I created a page which name are "Open Source Projects Promotion".
page ownership proof
Promoting to Three Countries (5200+ Reach) post TensorFlow Algorithm by Google
i also add website link TensorFlow Algorithm by Google . in Learn more add the button of officla website of TensorFlow Algorithm by Google .
TensorFlow Algorithm by Google post show with our facebook page name Open Source Projects Promotion
Here is link to Page.
Here is link to Post
My facebook TensorFlow Algorithm by Google ad campaign successfully reached to 5200+ (Still increasing). Details about TensorFlow Algorithm by Google post in our page. in this picture show everything about the facebook ad compain
Charts For campaign :TensorFlow Algorithm by Google
Facebook Charts For campaign : TensorFlow Algorithm by Google
Target both men and women. but the Woment Reach 25% & Men 75 this time target three country .
Charts For campaign : TensorFlow Algorithm by Google
Facebook TensorFlow Algorithm by Google campain ad placement for compain which is uesd . My facebook TensorFlow Algorithm by Google ads were displayed on three mediums Facebook, Messenger and the Instagram.
Facebook:2.288 K Reach
Instagram0.533:k Reach
Messenger: 2.323k Reach
TensorFlow Algorithm by Google promotion proof Video
TensorFlow Algorithm proof video(india,pak,Ban) from zafaralise on Vimeo.
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