COVID-19 VACCINATION AND VIOLATING RIGHTS (online petition against it)

in #vaccination4 years ago

The first portion of COVID vaccine has been delivered to the Crimea (the southern Russia)


And the first group of citizens who have to get it are those who contact with others most of all - medical stuff and teachers. What will be after it isn't announced yet, though it's obvious. The goal is total vaccination.

And some months ago there was a hope it will be just a proposition, strong, but still proposition,not a duty because this vaccine wasn't included into the list of the vaccine calendar.

The latest news says different - it had bern included!


Now it will be twice harder to avoid it!
But still vaccination isn't mandatory in Russia, and I hope for this way out...

Many people are against covid vaccine, and they are preparing a petition for the president about it.

It's called Don't violate unvaccinated kids' rights!


I have signed it of course. 166,000 of 200,000 signs are already in the list.

Mass vaccination is promised to be started in the beginning of 2021...

There is no end of this outrage for now. But people are tired. Very tiredof masks and restrictions.

This action is a nice demonstration of it.

Mass events after 11 pm is prohibited now. No new year celebrations, concerts, Christmas events and so on. But still supermarkets and transport are full of people as usual.


Russian youth start mass kissing in metropolitan to show their protest against limiting of their rights to live life how they want to.


привет! если Вы будете ставить теги ru или russia среди первых пяти, то другим соотечественникам будет легче найти Вас здесь ))

спасибо:) как-то у меня не сросталось никогда здесь с помощью от соотечественников, может сейчас будет лучше

заграница помогала? )))