in #vaccine4 years ago

Many of you have asked about the vaccine from Pfizer which is the messenger RNA vaccine. What is it? Is it safe? Whether we should take it ?
So I shall answer it as simply as I can.
Pfizer reports 90 % plus efficacy and they had adequate number of folks in their trials. Short term, atlesst, no one seems to have horrendous side effects.
The way this virus works it that after entering the body it attaches via ACE II receptors to our body cells through its spike proteins. Picture below shows the virus ball with its surface projections which are the spike proteins. If you could look inside the ball you will see the genetic material of the virus, the RNA. After attaching to the cell the virus injects the RNA into our cells where it replicates and starts a load of bad reactions damaging the cell.
The vaccine is based upon taking a small sequence of this RNA which codes for the spike protein and inject it into humans. The human then makes the spike protein which is recognized by the body as foreign and we develop antibodies to these proteins. If this newly fortified human encounters the COVID19 virus, the antibodies latch on to the virus and prevents it from attaching to the ACE II receptors. The binding also promotes body’s natural “ Pac-Man “ like cells to seek and destroy the virus.
If you want my advice ( I don’t know why you would not), take the vaccine. It seems safe and effective.
