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RE: Fathers Talk About Their Unvaccinated Children and the Unbelievable Differences from Most Kids.

in #vaccines8 years ago

I have found a newer edition of the 4th cited source in your wikipidea article over here:

It will be interesting to see exactly the statistics and the context and if they too are simply unsubstantiated claims or are actually facts.


Interesting, the 35% figure doesn't appear anywhere in the newer edition, but what's far more interesting is how there is absolutely a cacophony of assamptions and assertions based on conjecture without a shred of evidence, reading the section about fluoridation is laughable! Give it a try, see if you can stomach this "medical science", and please let me know if you have more "PROOF" because we both know that what you presented here is lacking in facts and hence has no basis to be called PROOF besides

proof that wikipedia is absolutely ok with assumptions and suppositions and has no problem labeling something pseudo as it's presenting it's "unbiased" view

Even more laughable

"Generally, two types of viruses are known: Variola major and variola minor (alastrim).
Although the viruses are indistinguishable antigenically, their fatality rates differ considerably
(<1% for variola minor, 3-40% for variola major). The high replicative fidelity of
variola DNA polymerase enzyme limited its ability to significantly mutate and adapt to
the humans, which preserved the antigenic cross-reactivity with other orthopoxviruses
such as vaccinia virus that was used for vaccination. There is no known animal reservoir
for variola virus.

3%-40%? LAUGHABLE! Where are your sources? NOWHERE! Laughable!
a discrepancy like this is outrageous! And that there is no way to distinguish between the two yet... there is two!
And even more damning. WHERE IS THE VIRUS?! Nowhere! AGAIN LAUGHABLE!


Yes, yes ... I will have to do an articlw on the REAL history of smallpox.
What we have been told is mostly myth.

@timbo I posted the link to the pdf, did you have a chance to check my claims and the claims of the book? This is a snip of the smallpox section from the book just to show that I am not full of shit.

Indistinguishable... Hilarious, @canadian-coconut don't stop posting this, I took a hiatus from social media for a couple years and I am glad I did as steemit cannot censor us.