More MUMPS Outbreaks!! The Vaccine has FAILED -- Yet UnVaccinated Still Get the BlamesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

Recent Mumps Outbreaks around the USA & Canada are NOT because of the unvaccinated,

... but rather because of the MUMPS portion of the MMR failure!

Furthermore, there are several genotypes of mumps that could be circulating.

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Court Doc.
more info here:

If you look at the filed court document above, you will see that Merck Pharmaceutical has been sued for faking the mumps portion of the MMR Vaccine to make it look like a 95% efficacy rate, in order to trick the government into giving them the sole patent on this vaccine in the USA.

So now the media is reporting that the mumps portion of the MMR Vaccine has an 85% efficacy rate with 2 doses. It seems to me that a 15% admitted failure rate is pretty high! So that even if they got their desired 100% compliance on vaccination needed for their "herd immunity" theory, the low efficacy rate of the vaccine would never stop mumps outbreaks!

Yet the media drones on about how it is the fault of the Unvaccinated whenever mumps outbreaks occur.

Take for example this article which just appeared on Global News (Canada).

Global News Report: Mumps outbreak confirmed in Toronto, may have originated in west-end bars: officials

So 60% had either zero mumps vaccine or only 1 dose of the vaccine, and therefore "not fully protected."

That statement is very vague, and for all we know:

1 person was unvaccinated

7 had a single dose of vaccine

6 had two doses of the vaccine.

It is a common media tactic to lump the partially vaccinated in with the unvaccinated.

So who really makes up this "Not Fully Protected" group?

It is possible that 13 or the 14 people with mumps were considered up-to-date on their mumps vaccine as a child.

You see, doctors naively used to believe that a single dose of any vaccine kept you immune for your entire life.

Now however, we have learned that any immunity a vaccine may give is short-lived. While natural immunity usually lasts a life-time, vaccination wanes within 10 years.

See earlier my article here:

It wasn't until 1996 that Canada started giving 2 doses of the MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) when they realized that one dose wasn't working sufficiently. So anyone older than 21-years may have had only a single MMR shot and thought that they were set for life. Only now do they discover that they are "not fully protected."

So basically, the older you get the more your vaccines wane, and the more susceptible you are to mumps or measles.

Now imagine this scenario .... a year from now they decide that 2 doses of MMR is not sufficient and add another 3rd booster. Then more mumps outbreaks happen and the media reports that 60% of the ill were "not fully protected" because they only had 2 vaccines.

And one day in the future, people who have 6 doses of mumps vaccine could be labelled "not fully protected" because the new recommendation is 7 doses. Just where does it stop?

When will everyone realize that the mumps vaccine (along with all the others) simply doesn't work NEARLY as well as Natural Immunity?

Will they ever stop blaming the unvaccinated every time the vaccine itself fails?

If a news article does not mention the number of unvaccinated at all in the article, you are probably safe to assume that NONE of the infected were unvaccinated. The media jumps at every chance to blame unvaccinated,

so if the they are silent it is because they don't want to make it obvious that only vaccinated people succumbed.

If you wish to learn more of the truth about Herd Immunity, try reading this excellent article below by Immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D.

Read more at my Blog @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

Yep, Merck allegedly spiked their blood samples with rabbit antibodies to make it appear more effective. Outright fraud. I wonder what the status of this law suit is now.

It has been dragging on for years. According to the quote below, it looks like we have to wait until at least April 2018 for a decision.

In January 31, 2016, the court ordered that discovery, the process of gathering evidence, must be completed by 1 March 2017, over a year from now. The court also ordered that expert discovery needs to be completed by 31 October 2017.

Other motions must be filed by 20 December 2017. A motion for class action certification must be filed by 1 March 2018; and Merck must file its opposition to class certification by 5 April 2018.

Wish that more parents/adults knew how dangerous vaccines are to the immune system. Continuous attacks on our immune system by these vaccines containing brain damaging heavy metals like aluminum and Mercury will cause disease in the body. If citizens of the world knew how the rich globalist elites have planned for decades to 'dumb down' populations to make them easier to control, they would not vaccine their children or themselves. Too bad unvaccinated children and adults get the bad wrap for diseases spread by the vaccinated populations.

Thanks for commenting Yoona and welcome to Steemit!
I look forward to hearing from you on future posts.

Do you know what proportion of the general public is unvaccinated or under vaccinated (by the above standard)?

Thank-you, YES. It's impossible to have "Herd Immunity" when half of the population's vaccines have worn off or were not effective in the first place. (There are ALWAYS low-responders to vaccination where it never takes at all.)

So, what proportion of the general public have had zero or only one dose of the above discussed vaccine?


As I said in the article, it seems that in Canada you probably only had 1 dose of MMR if you are over 21. Unless your parents took you in when you were older for a booster, but I don't know how often that was pushed or happened.

It was a very straightforward question that was actually answered in the article you linked.

“Most Torontonians are definitely not at risk. We know that most children who attend school in Toronto have vaccination rates above 90 per cent for two doses of the vaccine and most individuals who were born before 1970 had mumps as a child,” Dubey said.

Gotta love those vaccine companies. I wrote an article here on Steemit about DynPort Vaccination Company and the biomedical scandals they have been involved with: The Case Against DynCorp - Part VI: DynPort Vaccine Company, anthrax and the Black Death

I missed your article last week!
Thanks for sharing that important information.