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RE: Dr. Andrew Wakefield a VILLAIN or a HERO? Here's what the Mainstream Media has left out ...

in #vaccines8 years ago

Do I realize that his study involved 12 sets of parents? OF COURSE! You never saw this picture in my article?

It is OBVIOUS that you never even read my well-researched article, as I happened to have highlighted above that it was only a Case Study of 12 people, and that Case Studies are always small, and that he never claimed that the MMR caused Autism in that Case Study.

Go ahead and read that part of the study for yourself before FLAGGING THIS POST and writing such an ignorant and rude response.

Do you think that this type of response could possibly change my mind? Why not try to understand what I have said and plead your case from a rational approach? I am not going to toss away my ability to READ and REASON and learn HISTORY and FACTS. I am not going to simply believe everything the media spews out without fact checking it myself.


The media you talk of, supported his bullshit for 12 years, they then claim his work was discredited. No it wasn't, it never had any credibility in the first place. He was sponsored by a rival firm making a triple vaccine, the scientific community were shouting very loudly at the media not to take this cunt seriously. Yet they did; they then woke up to the fact that theirs and his lies were causing deaths.

I say again, the man is a cunt, and you shouldn't spread his bullshit around. Which may be rude, but is not ignorant.
