RE: Got Vitamin C? Could Vitamin C be a cure all? Does big pHARMa not want you to know about it? Lets hear what the good Doctor Thomas Levy has to say.
Hi crypto Connie! To start, unfortunately you can't just run to your grocery and get some. Most, and I'm talking over 90% of all vitamin C, is made from GMO corn. You want to stay away from that. A lot of it is also made in China. You want to stay away from that. Your best bet is to go to a health food store if you're wanting to start taking it today. But, again, even at a health food store you need to be careful what you buy. All vitamin C is NOT created equal.
You want a non GMO, pure ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate with little to no fillers. By fillers I mean preservatives or additives. Stay away from calcium ascorbate or other salt ascorbates.
I'll be doing more posts here soon on what I take and my personal protocol soon. One brand I like is Solgar, which you should be able to find in most health food stores. They make several sizes, but I buy a 1000mg capsule, which is 1 gram. I would take these through-out the day. I take personally 10 to 20 grams a day, especially during cold and flu season. Haven't had as much as the sniffles in years since I've been doing this.
Hope this helps. There is also a wealth of info at
Take care!