How to Make a Decent Profit off of Anti-Vaxx retards on Steemit

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

Step 1. Get an account.

First, you're gonna need an account that has no history of posting anything related to the actual facts of vaccination or anything that goes against anti-vaxxer's delusion that they are somehow critical-thinkers in a sea of sheep and shills.

If you need to make another account, you can easily do so through various services at the cost of a few Steem or you can just use Google Voice or a free SMS site (Although, this is a bit harder as many of them have already been taken).

Got an account ready? Good, now we can move on.

Step 2. Come up with a story.

All these anti-vaxxers really want to hear is a story that will confirm their delusion. I'd recommend keeping it fairly simple by saying you have a kid that has been "vaccine-injured" (They really love using this term) or you currently take care of someone with autism (They'll likely assume it's because of vaccinations).

Don't worry about providing proof or any evidence whatsoever, these are very gullible people who will gladly give you steemit upvotes for your experience. Afterall, they have and will claim that "You can't argue with someone's experience" (That is unless your experience happens to not agree with them, but I've already talked about that in previous posts).

Done yet? Good.

Step 3. Copy and paste your story on anti-vaccination posts

You can easily use the tag 'vaccines' to find a plethora of anti-vaxxer circle-jerking. But, you might notice that some posts are less profitable than others. Some get $100's others are unable to break $1. Now you could post your short story on all of these posts, and you will likely catch a decent amount of upvotes, but it runs the risk of being noticed and lead one of the larger whales to go into your history to flag your previous posts.

Instead, I recommend limiting yourself to a few slightly larger posts. Take for instance the users @canadian-coconut and @kafkanarchy84, they are very gullible so stick to their posts. If one upvotes you, then their followers will likely do the same.

Keep in mind a single 5% upvote from @canadian-coconut is worth almost $2 on its own due to the inexplicable 400k SP that they have been delegated with.

Step 4. Extra Credit

For bonus points, you can also post about topics such as paganism or homeschooling. It will make your story seem more believable and may make these dumbasses more likely to upvote you. Might as well throw flat earth into the mix as well.

Step 5. ?????

Step 6. Profit

After waiting 7 days, you can now reap the rewards and use that SP to upvote your own content and sell off that SBD for BTC over at poloniex.

Proof of it working:


For future reference, you probably shouldn't have called out specific users as "retards" and "gullible."

Yes, anti-vaxxers are perhaps… misguided. However, I follow and enjoy one of the "retards" in question and generally find their posts outside of the topic of vaccination enjoyable, so they're not completely hopeless people. And being a pro-vaxxer myself, I enjoyed your post as well. But, yes, by calling a couple of Steemit's most popular users some rather personal names, you kind of brought this upon yourself.

Hope you can learn this lesson and recover.

You may in fact be the one misguided on the safety of certain vacinations such as live attenuated vaccines . While i'll admit that thiomerosol is likely not the culprit of autism like symptoms, though I've yet to see any studies determining the effect of thiomerosol on bh4, both vaccinations and PANDAS children are clearly affected by the additional stress to their likely already weak immune systems due to specific nutrient deficiencies.

Honestly, it's more the results of an experiment. I make really easy baitposts like below and see who bites.

If anything, it's a demonstration of the issues with steemit.

kafka has a decent following and has gotten so pissed off about me calling him out he's made a post to flag my entire account, even not vaccination related posts from weeks ago. All it does is make him look like a retarded child.

Finally, I'd actually like to thank kafka for calling more attention to my post. It would have never received so many views without him.

Not mad at all, just calling out your BS, buddy.

But you are mad. It's very evident by your behavior

Nope. Happily downvoting your inane ramblings. That's all.

No, you've used almost your entire voting power to downvote me despite it doing absolutely nothing at this point. You're pretty angry about the post.

Okay, but again, you're kind of working against yourself here. If the people reading this post don't uncover that you're trolling them, then you've just validated even further their beliefs. If they do figure it out, then they're pissed at you for trolling them, and may ascribe your bad behavior to all pro-vaxxers, and thus, again, validate even further their beliefs about the Great Vaccine Conspiracy.

We don't need to do this sort of stuff. The facts are on our side, and are our greatest weapon. Let's stick to them and avoid the name-calling and sock-puppetry.

EDIT: If nothing else, for the sake of your user reputation score, maybe you need to stop giving folks more posts to flag for a while…

Sadly the facts are not on your side.

kind of true, but I'm not really talking about vaccination in this post. It's more about the platform of steemit and how easy it is to get circlejerks like anti-vax, flat earth, chem trails, blah, blah, blah.

All it does is frighten normal people away from the platform, same thing with this post. Whales have too much power compared to everybody else, and many of them such as kafka are easily triggered and overly emotional.

It's like the power tripping mods on reddit but for the entire site.

Additionally, you might notice how these people tend to overvalue a steemit account. Honestly I or anybody else can just create a new account within 5 to 10 minutes and start fresh. Plus if you actually bothered to follow my 'guide' you might even be able to earn more money than you would with a tainted account regardless of content quality.

Personally, I think that this type of behavior will be what leads to the downfall of steemit.

Edit: honestly rep means absolutely nothing.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't post anything to do with vax stuff and @canadian-coconut engages with me and upvotes. Right in the beginning of our Steemit journey I said I was open-minded on the vax issue, but not sure what to believe. This never affected her attitude towards me. I know she personally conducts a LOT of research to back up her views, so your "copy & paste" argument falls flat. She has enough intelligence to recognise sucking up for upvotes. Your style of writing here was nasty & uncalled for. I follow @kafkanarchy84 too. Maybe open another account and try again.

I don't post anything to do with vax stuff and @canadian-coconut engages with me and upvotes. Right in the beginning of our Steemit journey I said I was open-minded on the vax issue, but not sure what to believe

you contradicted yourself here, also this post has very little to do with vaccines themselves

BTW sorry about that first post, confused you with a very similar username

She has enough intelligence to recognise sucking up for upvotes.

She upvoted my bait post though, see the 2nd pic

So I guess nobody ever feel for a troll right?

ah, i was wondering if you were ever gonna comment on this post/situation

I got to admit baah, out of all the anti-vax retards on this site, you are by far the least retarded.

Sure, you have some VERY stupid thoughts rattling inside that head of yours. But, unlike these other autists, you are high-functioning enough to not have a tizzyfit over some low-tier trolling.

I got to respect that.

See ya later (probably on my 4th account, as I'm already starting to get a few upvotes from kafka and canadian on my 3rd)


PS: you will always be my special little boy, praise be to god :^)

I am reflecting on your response of course, what this person that likes to troll people thinks about me in their gleeful admission of being a troll.

So you like trolling people, that's not speaking of your character at all, it only speaks of what you like to do, you antagonize, disrespect or outright attack others simply to get a rise or a reaction, or, look at how intelligent, thoughtful, considerate I care not to be, look at the idiot me, I can even troll people too.

I guess we will have to be ever vigilant of assholes like yourself, you've just reaffirmed everyone's conclusions of you, you don't care about extending a modicum of respect.

For the would be readers:

Don't feed the trolls, they need your reactions.

I beat trolls in their game with reason and matter of fact, what was done, what was said, what was argued what the point is, just like I did to you, your "ode to bah, my special little boy" is another admission, you're not the first or last person that reconsiders their trolling, directly because of me.

But baah, we already established you don't understand fact vs opinion. Everything you have ever said about vaccines is still wrong and if you ever try to have a discussion about it in a respected environment you'd be laughed out immediately.

Secondly, who said I was ever reconsidering trolling? I've just moved to a non-connected account and started doing the same shit. I've already made a cool $10 off of canadian and kafka

Also, I'm curious as to why you think this has anything to do with you at all. The only thing that connects you is that the account I named @baahs-caretaker was used to bait people.

Cool story bro, I laughed about that one part about what respected environment's response equates to you.

Good job bro, you just got flagged down...RETARD. This is what happens when you talk shit.

ah going with the classic self vote, nice choice.

oh shut the hell up you prick

Why? I wholeheartedly approve of self-upvoting. I mentioned that several times in my post. It's one of the keys to the whole operation

It helps ya get a good ROI

You're an idiot, look what you did, talked shit and guess what...Your account is worthless now, a rep of 2, and now respectable people on this platform probably hate you. You should have thought before talking...seriously. Get a life

I mean, I'm sure that would matter if this platform or my account had any actual value.

Or even if you could really call someone like kafka or canadian to be respectful as I'm sure that most people would probably consider them to be loons.

But being scared of other people over the internet is just a retarded concept in general. The plan of this post was to get people to pay attention to some of the issues with the steemit platform and i think that it has been somewhat successful in that regard.

However, I'm actually curious. What specifically about the post do you dislike? It's always nice to have a convo about this sorta thing.

Im not saying being scared of people over the internet is something you should be, but at least have some respect, dude. Its jacked up how you use the term "retard", while there are people with downsyndrome who are suffering everyday and have a family who suffer with their reality. And no, you don't give 2 flying shits about the issues of the platform, because if you did you would adress them a little more respectfully. If you want to voice your concerns and have it be noticed, you have to work to get it done, and its not done by calling 2 very nice people retards. @canadian-coconut and @kafkanarchy84 are two very nice people with awesome content, and I agree with their point of view. And just because you dont doesnt mean you should go around calling them retards. Apparently they way you use the term "retard" so loosely shows you think of retardation as a joke? Do you think retardation is funny? Who knows...maybe you'll have a retarded kid and you will regret ever saying stuff like that and you will learn its not funny, or if not that, you will get your bad karma. Dont worry, its coming ;)

So you're upset because someone used the term retarded on the internet? Dude look around you. People call each other retard all the time. The phrase is basically devoid of any meaning at this point.

Is there anything else in the post you have issue with?

Also, @sift666, I know you liked the @baahs-caretaker account, what's your opinion on this?

Is this the reaction you were hoping for? Fuck. You.

lol someone is mad, what reaction are you talking about?

The reaction where I completely hid the post, took your rep from 41 to 4 and nearly finished your steemit account in one move. I swapped a 100% flag on the post, for a 1% flag on that comment above.
Be grateful, do a post like this again and there's no amount of bitching that will save you from the consequences of your actions.

Should have never undone it.

Excellent post! See you later.

lol why are you so mad though? Not my fault you fell for easy bait

I'm not mad. Just dealing with a minor annoyance on this fantastic platform. This has nothing to do with your personal views on vaccination. Everything to do with the dishonest means.

@i-repost will probably not profit much from scamming.... many people do scam..... many people are dishonest even when they sell cars..... I think that many dishonest and bad people on Steemit will not excel and their profits will be a lot smaller than other people on average.... bad people will always profit and make some money.... but it will not be a lot of money..... they will probably fall and get into deep doo doo later on even without our need to flag them to accelerate their maybe alleged bad karma or whatever........
Flagging can help maybe..........

I use Bittrex over Poloniex.

I chose polo because it's close to polio, but bittrex will work great as well

I believe in the freedom of speech. Maybe, this post is bad. Maybe. I try to focus on better ideas. I focus on what I love the most. Normally, I ignore things I do not like. If you are very very bad, like SOROS and ROTHSCHILD, then I will try to go after you and I will try to talk about you and everything... and I will try to discipline you if you are my child or student or near me in person maybe....... but I might not try to always go after every small idiot out there.....
So, @i-repost might be a bad person..... and I encourage that person or bot to reexamine their goals...... and unless this person is or was or becomes LIKE SOROS or worse or something, I will maybe try to mostly ignore Mister Repost and people like that maybe sometimes..............
Because I want to focus on rewarding the best people....
Instead of only beating up the maybe alleged like bad people......