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RE: AutismOne Conference 2017 Speaker will present a study comparing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children

in #vaccines7 years ago

As a former Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner I used to feel as you do. Then I witnessed first hand several severe vaccine reactions and experienced a life altering reaction myself from a mandatory flu shot. I have now changed my mind. I hope you take the time to watch Silent Epidemic and listen to neurologists/ epidemiologists, and other medical professionals. Also did you know that more than 98 million Americans between 1955 and 1963 received the polio vaccine that was contaminated with cancer? No wonder cancer is such a problem today. But, don't worry the Pharmaceutical Industry is raking in the money from all those poor Americans whom they infected. Are you in this group of people? I am.

Here is a list of vaccines and their ingredients:

You must ask yourself, if vaccines are so safe why are vaccine manufactures immune from all liability and cannot be sued for adverse events?

With that information and the govenments plan for Healthy People 2020 and mandatory vaccines cradle to grave
271 new vaccines in the pipeline scares me. Please do your own research don't believe everything the CDC says after all they benefit financially as the CDC own patents on drugs too.


It is pretty rich for you to cite a single poorly designed study and then school me in doing my own research - might ought to take your own advice. I have thoroughly critically reviewed the extensive research on this topic. Meanwhile, the founder of your movement, Andrew Wakefield, who is still so revered, had trouble retaining nurses: they quit in droves and eventually testified in the hearing in which he lost his medical license that he tortured disabled children in his research lab.

Anecdotal evidence is by definition skewed, as you well know, and as a former NP you should also know that it is virtually impossible to know the specific cause of the problems you are assuming are vaccine related. This is worth watching to the end. The speaker, who grew up in a family that was vaccine-averse, is a young woman who became a pediatric nurse practitioner by earning her Master's Degree in Nursing (MSN, PNP) at age 18. Brilliant? You bet! And compassionate too.

I am sorry I had to laugh because of her reference to being called a kid nurse. I have practiced over 20+ years as an NP alone. She is as old as my children so in my opinion she has a lot of life experience ahead of her. Please watch Silent Epidemic.

So the fact that she is a brilliant researcher who was able to gain her MSN by age 18 is completely lost to you because you have so much more anecdotal evidence? WOW. No wonder you are an Anti-Vaxer. And, if the science is not as important to you as the hype, I am really glad you retired. I am a PhD Nurse Researcher with 35 years of bedside peds nursing experience, and I am willing to defer any day to someone with high quality evidence.