The REAL (unspoken) reason for the push for mandatory vaccination. (CHRISTIANS...LISTEN UP!)

in #vaccines6 years ago (edited)

POWER...raw SATANIC POWER. That's what the current power play in legislatures all across the Western world is all about, right now! Government at all levels, in the modern world, wants always to increase it's own power at the expense of the people. Thirty U.S. States, right now, for example, are dealing with bills addressing the issue of government's desire for TOTAL CONTROL over the human body.

(Image courtesy of the

The push to eventually make vaccination MANDATORY FOR ALL PEOPLE on the planet (if they want to be able to buy or sell, or appear in public) goes well beyond any pretended desire to do something "for public health," or even for the corporate bottom lines of vaccine manufacturers. THIS IS THE FINAL PUSH for the government to have the right TO INVADE YOUR BODY with whatever they deem to be in THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS (the public good be damned.)

For Christians, this SHOULD be a clarion call to action. The Bible is very, very clear about what happens when government demands this right...i.e. you relent and let them chip you on the back of the right hand or on the forehead and YOU FORFEIT YOUR ETERNAL SOUL. This push for mandatory vaccines, though probably unknown to most of the purveyors of the vaxxer's gospel, is really about expanding the ultimate powers of the ULTIMATE GOVERNMENT--i.e. the anti-Christ-spirit GLOBAL GOVERNMENT.

(Courtesy of

Today, it is simple vaccines designed to supposedly innoculate people from specific deadly diseases. Tomorrow it will be about controlling certain behaviors--even manipulating people's moods, attitudes and beliefs. Those are already in the works.

Here is a link about an anti-alcoholism vaccine in the works:

Here is a link about a vaccine intended to alleviate stress:

The day after tomorrow, instead of a simple vaccine, they will be inserting chips with all sorts of identifying information, and it will--MARK MY WORDS--also contain ChiCom-style "social credit score" information. You will have to scan your hand or forehead to enter any public venue. If you do not have this "mark" you will be an outlaw subject to immediate rest or assassination.


It's coming. Once we let the genie out of the bottle by giving government the "right" to insert anything into our bodies, it is a very short walk to inserting ANYTHING into our bodies--including that mark that ends your eternal life.

CHRISTIANS who agree to mandatory vaccination will thus be guilty of laying the groundwork for the ultimate evil.

Do you want THAT on your conscience, and on your ledger at the judgment?


Posted to Facebook, for what it's worth.

Whhhhhaaaaaat? Wait, ...doesn't the bible say:

Romans 13:1–2, Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Soooo, what is it, blow the medieval trumpet and stand up and fight or ... do what the bible says?

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's.

Your body does not belong to Caesar. Not to any Kaiser.

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