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RE: Is Being "Unvaxxed" a NAP Violation? (In other words, do unvaccinated individuals put others at risk?)

in #vaccines8 years ago

I believe that the benefits of (voluntary) vaccination outweigh the risks, but as to the NAP, it all comes down to property rights.

In my own home, if I want to set the condition that only vaccinated people are welcome to visit, I am and should be free to do so.

In a public space, however, there is an implied risk that I might encounter infectious diseases from vaccinated and unvaccinated people (and animals). I assume that risk by venturing out my door.

So being unvaccinated only becomes a NAP violation if an unvaccinated person enters into someone's private property, despite the owner's stated intention to decline visits from unvaccinated persons.


Awesome analysis, thank you! Upvoted and followed. :)