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RE: What Vaccine Companies Don't Want You To Know ! It's Shocking What They Do To Our Children.
But on the contrary, at times,without them,you cant escape, especially when you are sick
But on the contrary, at times,without them,you cant escape, especially when you are sick
What can't you escape?
Dude I think you had a vaccination too many... Wake up brother !!
Resteemed the truth
You will subject your newborn to possibly 12 different diseases a whole bunch of other things like antibiotics, antigens, preservatives, stabilizers, buffers, emulsifiers, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, viruses, egg protein, human DNA, human cell lines from aborted infants, and protein from human blood the first year of life and expect to build immunity to all of them without any repercussions?
Do you read the package inserts ?
Or do you just blindly trust the Doctor that blindly trust drug thugs?
Image what your (Adult) body goes through dealing with one disease that doesn't Have all the other unwanted crap!
Ask yourself Do infants produce antibodies the first year of life?
Have you checked for Genetic mutations?
What about the Synergistic toxic effects of combining these?
Allergic reactions?
Poorly developed BBB?
Polysorbate 80 + Aluminum = BBB Breach.
Infants are suppose to be in a non inflammatory state.
You don't think vaccines will interfere with the proper maturing process of of the child's immune systems?
Balance of Th1 Th2 Th3.
Development of the myelin sheath.
Do they possess the renal (kidney) capacity to remove all the aluminum? Or does it just get trapped in the lymphatic system?
Impair the blood flow? Ischemic Stroke!
A single vaccine given to a six-newborn is equivalent to giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day.
Do infants produce significant levels of bile? Biliary transport is the major biochemical route by which mercury is removed from the body.
These are precious little newborns and these vaccines bullies want to bombard these little babies with everything possible the first year of life. What ever happened to breast milk !!
Breast milk has IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE, which are secretory IgA molecules, these combat diseases without causing inflammation!
Infants in their first year mostly depend on generalized, non-specific immunity, including (hopefully) immunoglobulins from breast milk.
They are not deficient in vaccines!
Infants needs "Nutritional support"
Th1 support
Gastrointestinal health
Aluminum is placed in the vaccines to selectively target the up-regulation of the humoral arm (TH2 cells) of children’s immune systems
This can create an imbalance and cause inflammation!
Don't worry the first 18 months of life you will have injected 4,925 mcg of Aluminum if you follow the mandated schedule.
This is crazy
But I'm called crazy
Go figure , no wonder why we rank 34 in IMR
Sweden and Japan rank at the top and give way less vaccines the first year of life! Just another coincidence like SIDS and Autism.