RE: Conditioning the Masses for a Political Savior
Abso-fucking-lutely! I love that, stealing it :-) it did shine through the article, what amazes me the most is everyone turns into Mr Smith when you make any attempt to criticize government and their political party, the term Stockholm syndrome sums it up perfectly, love thy oppressor, worship thy taxer, bow down before the very people that have no respect for you, and hold you in the greatest level of contempt, the silent "majority" is the scourge of the planet, blindly led in to the next war whether it be a war on "drugs" or a war on "terror" the more they declare war on things the more of them turn up, go figure, politics is insanity and only the insane vote it would seem, when a turn out is below 50% of the population a new form of government should be put forward, one that includes everyone, not just the us and them , haves and have nots.
They used to have a none of the above option in the UK, that has gone now, I guess it was getting too popular.