🚩Let Us Out of The **** Cage! Must Share Thoughts From Quarantine! 🚩
Are you getting anxious, feeling trapped like you're living in a cage?

Photo by Christopher Windus
👉 Are you feeling bored... or restless? Stir crazy from being kept inside like there might as well be bars on your windows and doors...
👉 Have you been ripped away from your loved ones? Unable to visit them due to distance? Unable to see them, hold them, comfort them?
👉 Are you scared? Lonely? Confused?
👉.. Does it feel like someone has taken all of your control away from you and now you're at the mercy of another's decisions?

Source: Dev Asangbam
That must be terrible for you! You must be DYING to get out!
👉It must sting like hell to not be able to go to Mom's house for dinner this Sunday as normal...
👉It must be tempting to try to sneak out to go see that new person you'd just started getting to know that was going so well before all of this. You must miss those butterflies in your stomach from those innocent kisses of new beginnings...
👉It must be down right terrifying not knowing when or if you're ever going to go back to your "normal."
👉 It must be frustrating missing events, concerts, sports, weddings and God bless us... even mass.
👉It must be absolutely Earth crumbling to have someone forcing control over your life and limited experience on this planet.
I hear you all and I empathize with you. I feel what you're missing out on, I feel the confinement you fear, I feel the minutes, hours, days, and weeks being stolen from you. For that is time you will never get back.
How dare that be taken away from you-- your time and your life like that!
🙈Now close your eyes and imagine that all of your feelings that you are experiencing right now exist every day for the rest of your life only there is no end, no exit, no way out.
- Add in being harmed, abused, tortured and even watching the deaths of loved ones before your eyes
- Add in starvation, extreme thirst and sickness and disease
- Add in unsanitary conditions with inescapable feces and urine around
- Add in torture devices, chains and whips, nails through your ear, shots being stabbed into you at any moment
- Add in people staring at you and taking your photo, screaming at you for your attention, poking and prodding you
- Add in damp, uncomfortably cold or too hot conditions
- Add in any number of the worst things you can think of...
How does your situation seem now?
I know it's a shock to the mind to think but that above, inconceivable list is reality for creatures just like us.🙈
They have social ability to communicate with one another, they have tribes of family and friends, they have natural lives where they exist with their normal too... And we have taken that away from them with no concern for their experience EVERY DAY FOR YEARS!
I see no difference other than we protest in words and they cannot. We prey on them, assert our control and embody our wants over their lives.
Yet, see what your words are able to do for you now? Nothing.
Now we are the same beating hearts yet you have no bars nor whip on your back nor chain on your neck so who is really worse off?⁉️
🙌Every day I advocate for us to be LET OUT.🙌
I wish for us all to be free, to be able to thrive and to never endure abuse and suffering by others.
Our world is too dominated by cruelness, lust of control and over zealousness for money (greed.) 💰🔥

Source: Unilad
Let's take this opportunity now that we sit in our cage and ask yourself the hard hitting question:
"How does it feel?"✨
"Is it fair?"✨
We have a choice!
💜To be more compassionate, loving, gentle and caring to the people and living organisms on this very planet we call home...
💚To make a change right here and now!
When we make the connection between "now I understand what it feels like" and "I want to treat others how I would like to be treated" we see massive opportunity for change.💚🌎🌱
Let's be the change and no longer cage our fellow beings!
I'm calling on your compassion to be activated at this time, it does not and has never had to be this way! Let's make a change! 🙏✨💜
I wish you health, happiness and ultimately compassion!
Love and Light ✨
Cece 😘🧙
What did you miss from me? Here's what I've been up to lately:
To Quiche or Not to Quiche
Gluten Free Crust
Fysh Curry
Coffee Talk
Guiltless Brownies
Green Protein Fiend
Balinese Rendang
Loaded Jicama Fries
Cookies and Cream
CocoNutty Dream Cream Curry
Spinach and Quinoa Bathing in Tahini
Deliciously Unsuspecting Cabbage Fry
Pesto Impresso
Oriental Tacos
Delicious Treat You Right Granola
Communication 101 (for Angry Lions)
Breakfast Cupcakes
I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T Bread
Spaghetti Vibes Salad
Rainbow Rice
Unsuspecting Veggie Drool Inducer
Thai Squoodles
Handheld Avos