The Medicinal World of Plants: Blessed Thistle

in #vegan6 years ago

I have had a calling to Blessed Thistle for about a month, and my personal experience with this beautiful spirit was purely spiritual. The medicine of this plant was exactly what I needed. I have had an amazing week working with this plant, and I will go back to it often because of how wonderful I have felt since I started sitting with it. I highly recommend this plant for both men and women.

Blessed Thistle (Cnicus Benedictus) has quite the story. It is told that during medieval times, King Charlemagne and his troops became infected with the bubonic plague. An angel came to King Charlemagne in his dreams and told him to shoot an arrow in the air and the arrow would land on a plant that would heal his men. The king did as he was told and the arrow fell on a big patch of Blessed Thistle. The King fed this plant to his soldiers and their lives were saved. Hence the plant was given the name the “Blessed Thistle”.

So clearly, this botanical remedy has a long history of use. In the middle ages, it was used to cure the bubonic plague and a multitude of other conditions.

Physical Benefits of Blessed Thistle

  • Used as a digestive stimulant for indigestions and diarrhea
  • Promotes milk supply in nursing mothers
  • Supports the reproductive system
  • Regulates hormone balance
  • Relieves menstrual pain
  • Has Anti Inflammatory and Anticancer effects
  • Helps to strengthen the heart and lungs
  • Increases circulation
  • Treats Urinary Tract Infections
  • Treats Acid Reflux
  • Supports and repairs the liver, pancreas, bladder and spleen
  • Effective in treating gallstones and hepatitis
  • Thins mucus
  • Oxygenates the brain

The bitters in Blessed Thistle help to support and repair the secretion of bile and digestive juices in the stomach and aids in the breakdown of fats. It also assists in the assimilation of nutrients.

Blessed thistle is considered a depurative, and has diuretic properties that help to rid the body of toxins.

I know how uncomfortable UTIs can be, and though I didn't have one to cure during this week, I know that if I ever find myself with one again, I will use Blessed Thistle instead of antibiotics. Unlike Antibiotics, Blessed Thistle doesn't harm the beneficial, friendly bacteria and microorganisms in the intestinal track. From my research, Blessed Thistle and Gentian work really well together to treat UTIs.

Blessed Thistle appears to also have antimicrobial properties which kill bacteria and fungi. Blessed thistle can also prevent the growth and spread of tumors or malignant cells.

Spiritual Uses of Blessed Thistle

Powers: Purification and Hex-Breaking

Magical Uses:You can wear Holy Thistle to protect yourself from evil, and add to purificatory baths.

As someone who often gets spiritually attacked, I'm constantly looking for herbs that help to protect me from outside energies, and that's originally why I purchased Blessed Thistle.

I can honestly say that I have never felt so safe with a plant. I felt happy and balanced the whole week. I'm extremely sensitive to energy, especially when I'm outside of my house. But no matter where I was this week, I was in my zen. I was still just as sensitive as I normally am, but I was completely unfazed.

There is something truly beautiful about the spirit of Blessed Thistle. I drank it the night before I held an Ayahuasca ceremony for myself, and the ceremony was super protected, and I was able to do my work and learn new perspectives without being interrupted at all. I actually am feeling the call to sit in isolation with this plant one day. I feel a very kindred, protective spirit from Blessed Thistle.

How to Make

I drank one or two glasses of tea every night for a week. I brought maybe 12 oz of water and 1/2 teaspoon of the herb almost to a boil. I strained out the herb and drank it plain.

The taste is very bitter, but I really grew to like it.

You can make tinctures and take supplements with Blessed Thistle as well.

Precautions and Side Effects of Blessed Thistle

It is best to not drink blessed thistle if you are pregnant or if you have allergies to other member of the Asteraceae family (Fever Few, Chamomile, Echinacea).

Taking Blessed Thistle in large amounts can lead to diarrhea, vomiting and an upset stomach. Avoid using blessed thistle if you have a stomach ulcer.


Please consider following me on Pinterest where I post about the herbs I write about.

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