Vegan Homemade Peanut Butter Cups
Hey Steemians, I had a week or two off and so i thought I'd come back with an awesome, easy to make Vegan treat (this one doesn't have to be Vegan, you can use regular chocolate in place of the Vegan stuff if so inclined)

What you will need:
200g of Vegan Milk Chocolate
100g of Whole nut peanut butter
about 50-60g of icing sugar
a good pinch of sea salt
Melt the chocolate. If you have never done this before the best way is to boil a pan of water and then sit a heat proof bowl on top of the pan and melt the chocolate inside the bowl)
As you are doing this get a muffin tray and put a cupcake paper case in each indent, then take the melted chocolate off the heat, you need to kind of work quickly here as the chocolate will start to solidify pretty quickly. Pour just enough chocolate into the base of each cupcake paper as shown below:
allow the chocolate in the case to start to solidify, put the rest of the chocolate back onto the pot of boiling water on the lowest setting on the stove to keep it melted. Meanwhile, mix the peanut butter, sea salt and enough icing sugar so that the peanut butter becomes such that you can pick it up and mold it into a disc shape without it making too much mess n your hands and so it holds it's shape. roll the peanut butter into enough balls to have one for each cupcake case. Flatten them into a disk that is about 1cm thick and about 0.5 cm thinner on all sides than the cupcake case. then gently place the peanut butter discs on top of the chocolate in the cups (which should be fairly firm by now to stop the peanut butter sinking to the bottom). Finally, use the rest of the melted chocolate to cover each peanut butter disk.
return to the fridge and give them an hour or so to settle and you should end up with perfect little peanut butter cups!
I hope that you enjoy!
Please feel free to follow me on Instagram @mealhound where i post daily pictures about vegan food and related topics.
Feel free to ship a few of these bad boys over to me - they look amazingly delicious, great for a snack in between meals yummy