How to Convert You Friends and Family to Vegetarianism or Veganism

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

Those of you who have adopted a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle understand that the struggle is real when it comes to having your friends and family accept your new eating habits. For some reason they can’t seem to wrap their heads around why we choose to eat only the green leafy stuff and relentlessly ask us why we don’t eat meat, as if it was a crime against humanity! Well, if you want to go down that road, breeding animals for food may be more of a crime against humanity than anything, but of course they don’t think that way.🤔 If they would open their eyes to see how these animals are being raised, treated, and stored like an item on the shelf, then they might just change their minds. So one of the big problems I see the way that people try to get others to jump on board the veggie train. 🚂 When I used to eat a predominately carnivorous diet I was never swayed by people telling me I was killing an animal or what part of an animal I was eating or how cruel it was to them. I have been conditioned with the hunter gatherer mentality that has been around since the dawn of civilization. It actually gave me more ammunition to fire back at the leaf eaters and their kale burgers and chips. It was very easy to do since vegetarians and vegans are the minority. So now I ask my fellow leaf eaters to take a different approach to getting others on board the veggie train. I know the transition was a gradual one for me and I started out by eating foods I was familiar with. Today it is easier than ever to provide replacements for most of the things that people are used to eating. I pride myself in a being able to remake meals in a healthy vegetarian or vegan way. Do some research and implement a couple meat free items into a meal with your friends or family so they have options rather than a last resort. Today there are corn dogs, hamburgers, pizza, and even chicken wings to place on the table and let them try. Of course they’re not the most healthy options due to being being processed foods, but it’s a great way to get others to jump on board. Unless they are totally against the cause I can guarantee they will find something they enjoy. Mark my word when I say this approach works, good luck in the push for acceptance. Someday vegan and vegetarianism will be viewed as another choose like seafood and not something “weird” people do!

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I hate the word convert. hhahah It makes the plant based lifestyle sound like a cult.

LOL!This make me laugh!

Great post! I am vegan and my husband is not and at first was reluctant. He now is primarily pescatarian which was a huge step for him! He was eating 7 plus burgers a week before. But anyways.. I have been able to have him give up beef by introducing the beyond burgers. He LOVES them!! He has also starting having a taking to vegan pizza, baked goods, and ice cream! I think the only way for someone to decided to be vegan or vegetarian is making that choice on their own, but I think it is easier to show them that is a reasonable choice when they see how much delicious food there is! I am from cattle country (Missouri) originally and my decision to adapt a vegan lifestyle was and is still very frowned upon by the people I know up there including some of my family. So I totally understand the struggle! Stay positive and strong :)

Yes I started out pescatarian too, vegan or vegetarian is the next step, so be patient with him. The Beyond Burgers have really beeen a game changer! If you have an Aldi near you they have come out with a vegan line! Always let people decide on their own terms, and don’t frown upon their choices either, just continue to educate and give them options!

That's exactly how I did it too! Pescatarian for 2 years, vegetarian for 1 year, and vegan for a year now :) Have you tried the new Aldi line? I only usually get produce there, I have had bad experiences with some of their other Aldi brand foods but would be open to possibly trying the new products.

Have not tried the Aldi stuff, but the meatballs look good, nothing beats a Beyond Burger from Whole Foods, they are starting to carry them in several restaurants now. Trader Joe’s has a good selection of affordable vegan foods and even Walmart is expanding their vegan/vegetarian choices, the tides are turning in our favor and it’s wonderful!