Reasons why Meat / Dairy Consumption is OK

in #vegan7 years ago

I enjoyed reading this, and I enjoy how this writing brings to perspective the dogma that we all benefit to escape! Enjoy :)

"Islam is a religion of peace. Allah is merciful, and our religion teaches us not to commit violent acts in His name."

Muslims when discussing animal rights:
"Slit those animals' throats. Allah has made it permissible for us."

"Thou shalt not kill. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Our god is a god of love and compassion."

Christians when discussing animal rights:
"God put animals here for us to use, it says so in the bible."

"Never again. An event such as the one that happened to our people must never be repeated! We must resist all forms of discrimination."

Jews when discussing animal rights:
"As long as the meat is kosher it's ok. They are inferior to us, so it doesn't really matter. Only humans are made in God's image."

"Ahimsa. Non-violence, respect for all living beings."

Hindus when discussing animal rights:
"We need cows for their milk and we need to slaughter them so we can sell their skins for leather to make a profit."

"Science, logic and reason—these are the values I ascribe to. Religion is what keeps us as a species in the Dark Ages."

Atheists when discussing animal rights:
"Our ancestors ate meat! We've been eating animals for thousands of years. That's why I have these canines. It's the cycle of Life."

Hippies say:
"Flower power! Peace and love, fight the system!"

Hippies when discussing animal rights:
"Don't impose your morality on me! I want to enjoy my life. You'll never be able to convince everyone everywhere to be vegan, so why bother?"

"We have to create a more sustainable global economy—one where future generations can enjoy the planet, long after we are gone."

Environmentalists when discussing animal rights:
"Stop cramming your beliefs down my throat. I respect your decision to be vegan, so you should respect mine to eat meat. Live and let live."

"It's selfish and immoral to create new life. I want to minimize pain and suffering."

Anti-natalists when discussing animal rights:
"Those animals wouldn't even exist if we didn't breed them, at least we're giving them a chance to experience life."

"All life is sacred. It is murder to kill a potential life and deprive those who cannot speak for themselves."

Pro-lifers when discussing animal rights:
"They're just animals, it's not murder unless it's a human. Has any animal ever actually told you they want to live?"

"HER body, HER choice! I am all about freedom of choice. Get your hands off others' uteruses!"

Pro-choicers when discussing animal rights:
"It's not 'exploitation' to forcibly impregnate female cows and force them to endure childbirth over and over again. This is what we've always done, animals can't think and reason like we can."

"Everyone is equal. Everything should be shared and evenly distributed."

Communists/socialists when discussing animal rights:
"Humans and animals are different. Cows, pigs, chickens and fish don't have the same rights as humans because we're special.

"I believe in the free market. We live in a competitive world, and if an industry is not providing a product the consumer wants, then it must be replaced by a more desired industry."

Capitalists when discussing animal rights:
"But if everyone goes vegan, it would completely destroy the factory farming industry and all those people will be out of a job."

"So long as you are not harming anyone else, whatever you're doing is not a crime. It's only when you impose your will onto others and your actions infringe on the liberties of others that it is no longer a personal choice."

Libertarians when discussing animal rights:
"It's my personal choice to eat meat and consume dairy! I'm not harming anyone when I pay other people to enslave and torture animals and violate their bodily rights."

"No gods, no masters, no rulers! No one should be a slave under someone else's authority!"

Anarchists when discussing animal rights:
"We have dominion over animals. They are our property. We are the rulers of this planet!"

Antifa members:
"SMASH THE FASH! PUNCH A NAZI! Fuck any supremacist alive who thinks they're superior to anyone else! Speaking to bigots is a waste of time!"

Antifa members when discussing animal rights:
"Animals aren't equal to humans. I like bacon. Don't tell me to stop oppressing animals. You're violating my rights. Don't try to stop me. That's assault!"

"Rape culture is real! So sick of cis het white men mansplaining to me that some rapes are 'less' of a rape than others depending on how the victim copes with it or how she behaves!"

Feminists when discussing animal rights:
"Artificial insemination is NOT rape! Do cows have to have psychological counselling in the aftermath of their rape like ACTUAL rape victims do?! You can't call it that! I'm offended that you're making that comparison."

Disability rights campaigners:
"Judging someone for their intellectual or physical ability is abhorrent. Deeming those with a lower IQ or a physical handicap to be inferior to you is ableism, and it should be seen in the same light as racism, sexism, and homophobia."

Disability rights campaigners when discussing animal rights:
"Yeah but animals aren't as intelligent as us, so that makes it ok. Do animals vote? Do they drive cars? Can they fly to the moon? Cure diseases? Don't compare it to racism/sexism/homophobia, it's completely different."

Black Lives Matter campaigners:
"This nation is stained with the blood of slavery. Every day I hear comments that slave masters once made about my people. It's wrong to oppress minorities."

Black Lives Matter campaigners when discussing animal rights:
"Animals are here to serve us. The economy would collapse without animal agriculture. And the bible says it's ok. Animals have no standing in court. And plus, it's perfectly legal to enslave animals, so that makes it ok."

"All Lives Matter" people:
"Stupid Black Lives Matter campaigners. ALL lives matter!"

"All Lives Matter" people when discussing animal rights:
"Lol, it's just an animal. Their lives don't matter."

Gay rights activists:
"The arguments homophobes use against gay people are repulsive and have no place in a modern, liberal society."

Gay rights activists when discussing animal rights:
"Veganism is NOT NATURAL! And why do those vegans have to constantly throw it in our faces all the time?! We get it, you're vegan... jeez!"

Anti SJWs:
"Lmao, fucking triggered snowflakes. Who the hell gets 'offended' by stupid shit like that anyway? Toughen up, pussy-ass! The world is not a 'safe-space', you little beta bitch. ROFL, fuckn libtard idiots."

Anti SJWs when discussing animal rights:
"How DARE YOU compare animal agriculture to slavery/the Holocaust and use words like 'rape' and 'murder' when talking about farming practices.. that is SO OFFENSIVE to me!"

Yup, i guess the concepts of equality, justice and freedom from oppression only apply to humans in our world. 😔

What kind of hypocrite have YOU been today?

(originally written by George Martin, edited slightly by another person on Facebook)*

Thank you! :)

It is my wish to serve you with these words!

Some info about me: I've been involved with Bitcoin since 2010. By trade I am an expert on blockchain technology. I am the Project Director for Wall of Coins, and CEO for Genitrust, Inc. I eat primarily fruits and leafy greens ("fruitarian"). This is known as a frugivorous diet, which is the diet by design of the human species and most primates. I don't cook my fruits, so you may also call this "raw vegan". I have eaten virtually every food item and major cultural style on this planet. I have experienced long periods of many different diet regimens: acid/alkaline, ketogenic, vegan, etc. In my spare time as a child, and an adult, I truly relished reading articles, books, and research papers on nutritional observation. I also enjoy and frequently practice long periods of juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

Thank you for reading, upvoting, tipping, and re-steeming!
Robert Genito
Steemit | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook are all @robertgenito


There is no dearth of excuses for the one looking for it. Only the courageous accept the truth and allign their actions to it.

So happy to be blessed with some of your attention on here :) thank you my friend...! :)

like your reasons and comparison method, what we actually speak and what we do.
likes you most fruitarian.

Great post. Very interesting post lot thinking and good info !! I can wait to see more of your post upgrade and follow! If you get the opportunity to check out my blog I think you will like it!
Your post is very beautiful
Thanks for sharing

Really great information nice post thanks for sharing sir...resteemed

Ty!!! :) glad you enjoyed it

something you are interested in. because so far many people consider the food is harmful to health when meat is a high benefit food

Did you even read the article? Meat is a scam product and has absolutely no benefit to the human body.

Very interesting post lot to think about and good info!! I Upvoted and followed can't wait to see more of your post! If you get the chance place check my blog out I think you will like it!

Nice update

Fruitarian you are great, I salute you. I have no word to say about you.
Like you post very much.