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RE: How I went from being a hardcore meat eater to a passionate vegan

in #veganism8 years ago

Years ago I started as a vegetarian, then moved to vegan, then moved to raw vegan. I gave it all up and started eating meat again. I gained all types of weight I was out of shape. Over the last few months I started boxing classes, and went back to vegetarian/vegan. I feel amazing and dropped a ton of weight. Meat is gross especially the meat that is shot up with antibiotics and hormones.


I gotta give you mad props for trying again despite you falling off the wagon the first time. Seriously, that takes a lot of guts. Most people would give up after not succeeding the first time. You sound like you have a great attitude, and I'm happy that you're living an active lifestyle now and feeling terrific on a veggie diet! Good job, man! :-D

Agreed! Meat is gross!

After working at Jimmy John's and seeing the managers drop slices of meat on the floor and then put it in the sandwiches.. and how sloppily they clean the meat slicers. I would agree that you are correct. I can't eat sliced meat again.

Thanks for the support! Yeah, my facebook feed did not make meat appealing. A lot of my conspiracy friends happen to be vegetarian/vegan.

Sure thing! That's awesome that you have a lot of friends who are already veggie/vegan. Having that kind of support makes a huge difference.