The most powerful want to seize our natural wealth at any cost.
Our lives are in danger. This seems unheard of, but it is reality.
Once again I write about the events that occur in my country and I will do it in the first person.
We have learned to know the revolutionary process, we learned to decipher the process and we learned to live events in full development.
We learned to see the US every day to get involved, in a negative and obstructionist way, in the process.
Definitely, the US is involved in the overthrow of this process that has been going on for 20 years.
This process is not a perfect event, but it has been a process that has helped 70% of Venezuelans of different conditions. This percentage is based on the most dispossessed class in the country.
Explain why the condition of Venezuelans living in such poverty, abandonment and humility would be another post. But the truth has been that the support that these people have received has been great.
These people, the most dispossessed, the most humble, the most abandoned of the country began to receive, on the part of President Chávez: LOVE, then interest, consideration, and finally attention came.
This attention was based, first of all on giving them food, there were days of food bag deliveries in all the towns of the cities and they were done in the name of Chavez.
And then came the awakening of the people, they were taught to read and write.
A system was created to take out the elementary school, then another was created to take the secondary school and another one to take university careers. And so many variants arose.
Almost 99% of those people did not know how to read or write. At this point of the 21st century, I met people who could not read or write. Specifically, my maternal grandmother, my paternal uncles and my father, could neither read nor write.
This is how Latin America has lived for 200 years. The great majority of its humble and poor population is illiterate.
President Chávez gives these people training and teaches them one of the fundamental bases of human knowledge; It teaches them about the Constitution of the country, what it means and reads them the most important articles for them.
Some of these articles were about their duties and their rights as Venezuelans.
It teaches them the rights and their level of importance, what they should receive as obligatory, as it is: education, food, and housing; And at once, it offers those benefits.
The US Government is watching carefully and is already beginning its actions to counteract this process of revolution that is looming in the country.
The US is accustomed to acting and meddling in any socialist government that occurs in any country in Latin America, and acts to prevent the proliferation of those leftist governments.
Left governments are more dedicated to serving the social part of the population.
For decades the US has been doing it, but not enough research had been done to determine and demonstrate how they did it.
We knew their inclusion in Middle Eastern countries and the confusion they generated with false information, to create these invasions, which ended in massacres, massacres of human beings and the almost total destruction of the attacked countries ...
They always said that it was to help the people of that country, that its president was a dictator and that religion generated wars, that the dictator raped and killed his people, and we believed everything, because we saw everything on television and the media printed, everything was so real, that nobody doubted what we read.
They had everything very well planned, everything very well engineered. They themselves said: "We put them to fight and they kill themselves" This has been the case for decades.
And so we live, all over the world, seeing and surviving these gratuitous, machined and planned wars, killing people as if nothing ... right and left.
And they spent 14 years, they managed to finish off President Chávez, they did the same with Allende, with Sandino, with Evita Perón, Hussein, with Gaddafi, and a history of invasions carried out in our times.
Some 25 years ago they carried out invasions in Panama, Haiti, Guatemala, and countless etceteras.
The sudden death of Chavez, coming from a healthy family, with no history of cancer diseases, Chavez, a man who exercised daily, healthy, ate healthy, did not drink alcohol and suddenly had cancer and died so fast that doctors were surprised of the entire event of the disease. It is evident that he was inoculated with the disease.
This is not surprising of the US government, every time we learn more about their actions and their disgusting murderous exercises ... is a reality, but the world is charging their bad deeds, their macabre adventures and their deceptive and murderous hoaxes.
After Chávez's death, Nicolás Maduro remains as president, after Chávez's suggestion, before dying, and the town accepted him.
Maduro, guided by the constitution, calls for elections after a month in power .... Win the elections Maduro.
Since Maduro is in power, the actions of destabilization of the country, the USA together with the opposition group of the country, which are not the usual politicians, but those who were the owners of the basic companies such as CANTV, PDVSA, begin. , SIDOR, AEROPOSTAL, ELECTRICITY, and the other STEEL companies.
Thus begins the massacre and the deed of hurting us and putting us to suffer in all the ways and for having.
We learned to see the evil coming from other countries, dressed in suits and walking with protocols.
We learned to see the lies disguised and painted in false and non-existent colors.
We learned to see foreign power overcome the very power of the country.
We learned to see the impositions of strange countries that did not even know, where Venezuela was located. Pretending to dominate us and direct us as if we were puppets.
We learned to see how communication between countries works and to interpret their particular interests.
We learned to see the pure evil, the evil damage, the painless murder, the hard and cruel lie of those who called themselves rulers of civilized countries.
More than us, a country and an underdeveloped people that did not know how to exploit their mineral products to the fullest, to live austerely.
But now those mineral riches if they were being used to help a people, to be people, to become people and to receive the goods and services that by law belonged to them.
And they finished the 6 years of government for Maduro, which is conditioned as a period of government, according to our constitution. This is what Maduro has lived in this period and space of continuous war on the part of people who want to annihilate us to keep our riches.
Before, it would have been impossible to believe, they did everything to overthrow the government, and everything has gone from failure to failure. They feel so annoyed and embarrassed that they can not give their arm to give way and thus let us live in peace as we like.
They have been discovered to the point that they could no longer, nor can they hide their interference in wanting to seize the country and our riches and let us live a free life with a government chosen by most Venezuelans.
The opposition, who are not politicians, are only those who one day, annoyed because they were the owners of the country's assets, which later, the government managed to recover.
They want revenge from the depths of their bowels, reaching the aberration of murder through the burning of people and the destruction of cities and their services.
In May of the year 2018 there were presidential elections, the opposition requested the advance of the elections and they were pleased. The elections were held. Erroneously that opposition of the capitalist elite of the country ordered not to vote, and of course, that President Maduro is again elected for a second term of government in the nation.
Now in the second term of Maduro's government the war intensifies in such a way that the same government of the USA. through their representatives and even their president Trump they have expressed their interest and interference in that Venezuela must do, by their orders, what they impose ... Craziest thing out of their normal flow.
That is, if they put a president and do not like what he does, then, should he get it out again?
Since 2017 a direct and daily war began from the US and the political and non-political group of Venezuela, The opponents: BORGES, MACHADO, RADONSKI, LÓPEZ, TINTORI, LEDEZMA, GUEVARA and now another rider joins, to make THE 8 JINETES OF THE VENEZUELAN APOCALYPSE: Guaidó ...
They economically blocked Venezuela and we Venezuelans are suffering this war. Shortage of food, medicines, spare parts. Our money is taken away. They generate inflation to the point that we can not buy what little we find.
They control our economy to a parallel dollar, although we do not buy with a dollar ... We contribute to bring the price of oil to the amount that favors us, this is not forgiven.
This group of Venezuelans who have betrayed the country and have disrespected the Venezuelan people, have joined other leaders of other countries, brothers, influenced or threatened as puppets; They are not patriotic, nor have courage, nor courage as the Venezuelan people.
Mainly: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Perú, Guyana, Saint Lucia, Barbados, USA, Grenada, Jamaica and Canada, as well as some of the European Union.
These representatives of these countries are only very hungry for ill-gotten money, they want more wealth and that is why they have been able to sell their own mothers. These countries have their particular interests to make the constitutional order be lost in Venezuela in order to seize all the powers of the country and wreak havoc on the homeland.
Without constitutional order, there are no laws, norms, rules to comply with and everything that the government has achieved, referring to the fundamental rights of its inhabitants and social aid, is lost in a treacherous blow.
In the inauguration of Maduro, for their second period, they did the impossible to give a coup d'etat, they even tried to assassinate him, this time it was frightening ... we have lived the unthinkable.
This situation has been unprecedented in our country ... we are living it and we believe it. But it hurts. We feel betrayed by these people and at the same time, we feel very vulnerable to power ... But, fear makes us strong and when we feel fear close, we become more powerful and the adrenaline develops in such a way that it allows us to leave aguerridamente and the fear disappears.
The inconceivable and even ridiculous has been the self-proclamation of a Mr. Guaidó ... Nobody knew him, nobody knew who he was ...
Well, he was deputy deputy of the National Assembly in contempt, the Assembly is in contempt because he did not comply with an order issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, who is one of the five branches of the Nation.
This order was to annul the appointment of three deputies, since it had been demonstrated that they had won in the Amazonas state for fraud when buying the voters, that is, they paid for the people of their municipalities to vote for them.
The National Assembly did not comply with this order and the court declared it in contempt, determining that any action it takes is unconstitutional.
Then came the guarimbas, and the destruction and murders in the country. They wanted to make a national anarchy, they closed the streets and burned and threw bombs, killing people who belonged to their own factions and the Chavez side. Encouraging a civil war, remember, they incite war and achieve their goals and we are killing each other.
President Maduro after many calls for peace and dialogue, which were denied by the opposition, asked the people, a referendum to request a new National Constituent Assembly and restore the constitutional order in the country.
Question that the people accepted and voted in favor, and everything was calm, as if it had been by magic ... because we DO NOT LIKE WARS.
Guaidó is put as president of that Assembly in contempt and as president of the Assembly he assumes the power, if the president of the republic is absent, he is assassinated, he dies or he flees ... None of this happened in the country; Although they had previously planned. ART, 333 of our CONSTITUTION.
But this man proclaimed himself president in any square in the city of Caracas. IT SEEMS SO SO RIDICULOUS, and we know that the US is involved in these actions. that's why we feel so sorry for that government ...
We know that they are in decline and come for our riches.
We know that they do not want us, they just want our oil.
We know they play dirty and they are potentially macabre murderers.
We know that you do not have to trust them.
We know that they lie, manipulate and pay a lot of money to achieve their goals.
We know they have war power, but we know they are desperate.
We know that they also have to lose and we are not afraid.
We know that they are exposed and that people get tired of them.
When you live an unpredictable situation, something that you know is bad, something you fear, something you do not want, then there is a situation of anguish and uncontrollable nerves.
This situation puts you in a state of helplessness and self-incomprehension, weakens you and terrifies you to move forward.
He is distressed, entered my room and stood at the door, looked at me nervously, scratched his head and put himself in resting position. "He is my oldest son who is on vacation with me.
My son is reading through social networks the news and images that friends are sending him. He believes everything he sees and reads, in the messages received. He feels very safe but he is nervous.
He gets upset because he just read an information. - He says that several people are already dead in Caracas, that the people of the neighborhood went out into the street. He shows me two people killed by accurate shots to the head and chest.
He asks me about another news that was sent to him, -he tells me that Maduro escaped and fled the country, he tells me that the people left and took Miraflores (Miraflores is the presidential palace) and I explain that it is a lie.
It's one o'clock in the morning, - she tells me to call my aunt in Caracas, I explain that it's too late and I'm not going to wake them up. He gets upset because I'm calm and I DO NOT believe in the news he receives.
He gets upset, he tells me that I do not believe in anything, but yes, the government is recruiting minors. I explain that here in the country for 19 years the recruit was eliminated. The one who does the military service does it by his own will, he does not believe it, but he does believe in the comments that his friends tell him.
Again, enter my room, with my hand on my head - he tells me that in Colombia there are tanks of war, that the streets of Colombia are full of tanks and US soldiers walking the streets.
I look at him calmly and tell him to stay calm ... I know that they are information disseminated to generate panic in the population, and so people get scared and start to see that their lives are in danger and reject the president.
He gets upset, starts talking. Discuss things that I do not want to hear, talk without coordination. and what he says has no foundation you will see. He is very scared and talks like a loser, he assumes that the government has fallen.
Although we are living very badly and I am unemployed, it hurts ... That feeling is of fear for what we know, a new government comes wanting to kill Chavistas and wanting to end all the good things that the revolution did.
I shut my mouth because I know that it will be altered if I comment on something else.
He leaves my room and I continue with my writing, I am writing an article about the situation of these two days in the country. He does not know, he does not know what I write about this.
He returns after 30 minutes, he has a scared face, his eyes are open and tired, he can not sleep, it's three o'clock in the morning, he's with one hand on his hip and the other on his head.
He looks at me hunched over, he asks me- What have I known, what new news do I have? He asks me about his brother who is in Coro, Falcón state. I answer calmly. "He's fine. I spoke with him two hours ago.
I tell him that he has problems with food, because he has almost no food and this weekend he is on duty at the hospital.
He stares at me for a few seconds, sighs and with a broken voice and very softly asks me: Where will the tanks enter, where the marines will enter, by air, by land, or by sea ...?
I raise my face and stared at him, I wanted to laugh at seeing his face scared and quiet, but I also wanted to cry to see that same face scared and with an attitude of loss and defeat.
I tried to be very calm and safe. It's 4 in the morning. I replied that they were not going to invade us, I explain that I fully trust Russia and China. The US will not invade us, because it could lead to the 3rd world war ...
We went to bed after four in the morning, tired, exhausted. Assuming that Venezuela is already invaded. We expected the bombs to fall anywhere, in any space.
I expected the criminals to come and try to get into my house, taking advantage of the circumstance ... My anguish was based on knowing who would come to subdue and kill us like in Chile, when they overthrew Allende. They killed for pleasure, without pain.
It dawned and we got up, turned on the television, we stood on the balcony .... Everything is normal, they were lies, they were hoaxes, they were images, they were manipulations so that as much as we believed. Once again his manipulations did not work ...
They have more to lose than us.
They will protect us from the plunder that the US wants to make us.
I also trust President Maduro's strategy, he always asks for peace and tranquility, we are armed but peace is the most important thing.
The people are willing to fight. I am willing to fight.
I have been living in a very bad economic situation, but I am willing to defend my country, I do not want invaders, nor do I want to be subjugated.
We are tired that this country, the US, is invading, massacring, killing, destroying every time it pleases, to whomever it wants, to the country that pleases.
They are bad and ruthless rulers. We have seen them in hundreds of invasions, killing people, children, the elderly and ending the history of humanity.
Your government is run by the largest billionaires in the US and they need our riches to continue dominating the world and to continue being more billionaires. It seems that they do it like a game.
They want to control the birth rate of human beings. They want to control global demographics. They want to make countries independent of those that already exist. They want to direct everything, and so they will decide who is born and who will stop, how many people should be born each year.
We can not continue to allow this absurd idea of those who yesterday became very rich and today want to crush those who are not.
But they look like larvae, they look like locusts, where they arrive, they end up with what they find. That's why they are looking for resources in any country in the world ...
Today we will be the Venezuelans, tomorrow will be any other who has some natural resource that interests them ... and who does not have it will never leave poverty.
And to that hunting of countries it is necessary to finish it. We must create a precedent and give a stop to that evil and evil monster as it is the government of the United States.