#SOSVenezuela: A Practical Guide To Make $5 Per Day on Steemit, Inspired by @Dana-Edwards, Help With Spanish Translation!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #venezuela7 years ago (edited)


In our cynical world full of the latest human and governmental tragedies, it is very difficult to believe that any real solutions exist to end poverty. After all, the saying goes,

The road to hell is paved in good intentions.

Let’s face it, rich people can never truly help poor people by only giving them bags of rice.

Only a poor person understands the impact of poverty and what it does to a person’s mind. And even though I was raised in a middle-class family, got a college degree, had a professional career, I fell through the cracks, ended up a single mother, and lost everything. In essence, I became a sad statistic that befalls many women all over the world. My mind got altered from poverty, I suddenly found myself having to fill two roles: breadwinner and nurturer, and if it weren’t for my parents, I’d probably be homeless and impoverished. I definitely wouldn’t be here writing this. Writing is for privileged people.


The mental scars of having nothing and feeling helpless, alone and desperate for several years left their mark on my psyche.
I will never forget it. I still haven’t fully recovered since I am afraid to buy even the barest necessities for myself: underwear, clothes, shoes. But this story is not about me. I was one of the lucky ones. I got out last year when I found Steemit.

The reason most non-profit organizations fail is because rich people don’t really understand the mentality of poor people.


Poor people need useful tools so that they can create their own solutions to their own poverty.

They need to be the drivers of their own change, because if not, they will embody the crushing victim mentality, and poverty will just continue on through their children. Poverty is a mindset, a learned behavior or a consequence of location/discrimination.

There exists something that is already helping people all over the planet help themselves, lifting them out of poverty. It may not sound like much, but earning $5 a day on Steemit.com can make a huge difference for a lot of people in the world. And I heard that people in India are flocking to Steemit right now in large numbers.

Location still determines wealth to a large degree on the planet. And Venezuela is suffering massively right now due to a corrupt leader. The Venezuelan people did nothing to deserve the hell that is now their reality. I became aware of this because I run the Dash For Newbies Facebook page and I noticed that 99% of the people responding to our Dash Facebook ads were from Venezuela.

They need a solution.

It’s here now. It is Steemit, a next-generation social media platform that anyone can join and benefit from. It’s community-driven which means anyone can earn, invest or become influential within it. I’ve been earning on Steemit for nearly a year now, and I can see clearly how it could potentially change the world into a better place. The reason I didn’t write this earlier is because Steemit had a number of social problems that was causing people unnecessary grief. Those problems have mostly been solved, so I feel happy again telling others about it.

Usually, these corny-sounding proclamations are empty hopes, but I’m living proof that the Steemit concept actually works to alleviate poverty.

I went from $0 to wealth in one year of solid and consistent blogging on Steemit. It changed my life, because I'm now financially free.


I’ve been living off my Steemit earnings alone for almost a year, and even though this reality might not be possible for people in Western countries, someone living in India, Venezuela or Nigeria could make enough money every day on Steemit to survive. It’s quite possible to make $5 per day just by posting, commenting and making friends in Steemit.

A friend of mine from Nigeria, who followed me into Steemit last year, has done very well as far as his earnings from Steemit. I think he has saved up more than $4o,ooo USD, all of which he earned from his writing in Steemit. He’s an exceptional writer, though. Most people don’t have that kind of drive, talent and ambition. But $5 per day is a very realistic and achievable reality for everyone. This post by Dana-Edwards is what inspired me to write this article, and I have to credit @dana-edwards with the idea. Thanks.

It’s something that is available right now. And no, I’m not selling anything. I am trying to figure out how I can get this message sent to the people of Venezuela, and all other disadvantaged friends, who desperately need help feeding themselves and their families. They need financial independence and a stable currency so they can survive, so they can feed their children. This is exactly what Steemit.com provided for me, so it would be unfair of me not to try to get this message sent far and wide.

So, what is Steemit?


Steemit.com is a decentralized, blockchain-based social media platform that rewards its users for posting and voting. But that sounds complicated. Let me break it down in a simpler way:

If Facebook had a built-in digital wallet, was run on a transparent bookkeeping ledger, removed advertising and paid its users to post content, you’d get Steemit.

You may not believe me, but my own poverty ended when I found Steemit.com. See for yourself, check my online wallet. All of our wallets are transparently displayed online and mine is protected from theft in a special Steem account. This transparency removes fraud. You get $7 worth of Steem just for creating a new account.

I earned all of my Steem from writing and contributing to Steemit, through voting on other people’s posts and interacting with other people.

Please send this article as far and wide as you can.

It could make a difference in someone’s life.

Thank you,

ps- you’re probably think I work for Steemit, Inc. I don’t. I am user of Steemit but I get no referral rewards, no commissions or gain from writing this, other than if the value of the Steem network increases. I earned all my Steem which makes me care more for the success of the platform. More than anything, I want people to understand they have options to improve their lives. When we share, everyone wins.

Who wants to do a Spanish translation of this article? I'll pay you 25% of whatever this post makes in Steem for the translation. I'll be putting the Spanish translation on Medium, too.


I'm venezuelan and I definitely need this :( probably we need kind of luck sometimes, I've posted 4 articles and I haven't obtained anything....

No suerte amigo si no también muchas ganas de trabajar¡¡¡ Vamos poco a poco

Greetings to the Community steemit, I'm also from Venezuela very good your post @stellabelle. Although sometimes we do not get the reputation that is needs and support everything can sometimes change with effort and dedication is achieved the goals you want to achieve

You have to take your time and build your audience...

Now a question. On your Medium article you stated that you earned $125 for the article and you posted screens hot of it. But hear now on the steemit article it says $54.61. Can anybody explained what happened? Is this because of personal powerdown, network powerdown or because of the article downvotes? Or you just paid out something?

Please explain, this is not clear.



I actually don't the answer to this question. I know that the price of steem affects this....that's my only guess. Also, the reward pool is affected for 7 days, and so it shifts the payout.

Good luck, I'm still struggling to get even 1$...

My best advice to you is to make friends and comment on other people's posts. It takes a while, for people to notice others, but when you give, you end up receiving....that's what i did anyway, it worked for me.

I know constant dropping wears away a stone.

Go on bro, you can achieve it. Only write and have fun.

I'm going to put my head down and work for it.

Yes, this comment makes my life. Write and have fun. Rest will be taken care of automatically.

I'm new here too, and I'm struggling to even handle the entire purpose of the platform, it's so unreal. But I'm managing so far!

First read about basics and then crete some content.

I suggest you to write your first introduction post and tag it: introduction steemit community introduce steemsquad

Take a photo of you with a sheet of paper with #steemit

hey look! You just made $1.70 on just this comment! You have almost reaced TWICE your goal!

HAHAHAHA In my case even 0.5$

Pero si es una guía para venezolanos, ¿por qué la haces en inglés? :c. O sea, la entendí, solo que me es un poco más complicado. De todas formas excelente artículo, lo tendré en cuenta.

Me lo tradujeron en español

Tal vez porque se gana más en inglés. Aquí principalmente estamos para escribir artículos con contenido útil y también ganar dinero. Me encantó el mensaje, muy claro y lleno de sentimientos. Gracias

Resteemed this post!

I have been trying to promote Steemit to the venezuelan audience since forever!.. I even ran a facebook ad a campaign destined to people who currently live there!.. I believe it is a way for people over there to overcome "extreme" poverty and I have seen some great examples on this platform of whom I am really proud of: @betamusic, @luisucv34 and @elyaque really stand out for instance.

On my side I am trying to upvote anyone that is from Venezuela and uses the tag #venezuela, It is the less I can do as a Venezuelan living abroad.

Thanks a lot @stellabelle for bringing this issue to your followers, you are top class!

Yes, i love your writing and overall, i think you're an amazing person. Your writing on Medium is very good.....I am happy we know each other.

wait, are you living in Venezuela right now?

or are you from Venezuela?

I left Venezuela in 2013, right before shit hit the fan

wise move, but were you born in Venezuela?

Amazing initiative @stellabelle and @dana-edwards !
I will share this on some Facebook-groups and Twitter! Hope we reach the people

me too. i feel awful since i learned what's happening. we can make a difference. it's just in getting the word out.

I appreciate your work! If you need any help let me know.

Steemians for Steem!

share it on as many platforms as possible.

thank you

This is brilliant Leah! Unfortunately I don't speak Spanish ha ha...but I speak Afrikaans if you at one point want to target the South African market. Here $ 5 would be able to feed a family of four easily for a day.

oh feel free! anywhere and everywhere.....this perhaps is what the world actually needs: a place where people can make $5 per day.

Definitely! You are such a clever girl! LOL!

i prefer "Idea Machine"

Amazing post. I'm from Venezuela and can Tell you that steemit is an oportunity to me, because IM a medicine student and i don't have the time foto have a job right now, but here i can make some money (and fun) with one of my hobbies.

PS: i can help with traslation

ok great. Let me know when you have it done. Just send a message in here, in this post comments......

Working on it

Done :). How can i send it to you?

send it to DashForNewbiesATgmail.com

Hey, do you receive it?

yes, i did. I will pay you when 7 day payout window has closed. Thank you

@stellabelle if you dont have anyone who will translate to spanish i can do it for you. Let me know :) great initiative!

darn it, i responded to someone else already, but thank you

No problem @stellabelle! He probably can make much better use for it being that he is in Venezuela. And since its about helping #Venezuela, it makes sense. I am sure there will be a next time ;)

thanks to you

Helping the poor is VERY HARD WORK.

The rich do not understand the mentality of the poor.
nor do the poor understand the mentality of the rich.

Capitalism is great, until people start knocking out the bottom rungs of the ladder to protect their current position.

Currently millennials will never move into home ownership like the baby-boomer generation did. The prices are great than any wealth the millenial will see in their lifetime.

Also, the previous generations have claimed every square foot of land. You can't just go out and start farming on a vacant piece of land. The BLM owns it all. Things were fine when there was room to grow; to get a foot hold. But now any upward movement is constrained by regulations.

To help the poor, you not only need to give them land, you also have to give them skills to work that land. Then you need to retrain their mind to see possibilities.

The difference between a poor farmer and a middle class farmer? One weeds their garden. Guaranteed to increase yields by 25%. So, why don't the poor do so?

Also, Venezuela's people did deserve what they got. They kept pounding the drum of socialism, never seeing the destruction that was heading their way.

Just like americans are deserving what is coming their way.

But, it is a whole other topic to explore how to change the situation that years of corruption have wrought.

are you from Venezuela?

Nope. I am just one of those engineering types that saw this coming a decade away.
You truly reap what you sow.

And americans in The USSA are heading for a worse catastrophe. The swamp will be drained one way or the other.