In at the Deep End

Third post
This is now the third post on my adventure into art. Please check out my Previous Post on how I started.
Having found that oil paints were the best match for me I felt ready to start painting the scene that had captured me at the beginning, Venice.

Evident from the start
I realised right from the start with this project, that I had jumped in at the deep end. It had soon become evident that I was lacking in a lot of areas and as expected the painting reflected the fact that I was a novice who had a lot to learn.
Pleased to get started
I wish I could say that the painting turned out great, but it didn't. I had to stop in the end because of there being too many things that were simply not right.
While I was really pleased to finally get started on this adventure, I was beginning to see more clearly the mountain that I had to climb.

Aerial Perspective
The first obvious area where I was lacking, was 'aerial perspective', which gives your painting that sense of distance.
This is where objects in the distances appear fainter because of the effect of the atmosphere has on the color and tone.

Shadow & Reflection
Shadow and reflection was another area. Getting the colour and the tone right as well as the direcion of each.…….. The list goes on.
The experience, while it was intense and frustrating, I did find it very rewarding, even with the result that I achieved.
My trouble is that I love the detail and trying to get it accurate. But with that, I lost sight of the picture as a whole. Hopefully, I will return to Venice one day and try again.
I'm looking forward to continuing my adventure. I'm visiting my daughter in London soon and we are planning on going to Tate Britain. (Inspire me please)
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.
What I've learned in life
Learning isn't about what's RIGHT and what's WRONG, about what works and what doesn't work.
Learning is about WHY it works and WHY it doesn't.