
I will upvote everyone that participates. My vote is not worth much (I ain't been at 100% SP upvote in a coon's age), but .03 SBD is .03 SBD!

I will give it a try.

How much does a 35 year old fat body need to do? lol

You're in the same age group as me so it's 36. Remember to keep your back flat and arms must bend til parallel with the ground.

Is there a time limit on this or just do them till you drop?

It's supposed to be done within 2 minutes.

You’re fat?! Forget I asked....forget I asked...

I’ll upvote you too if I see you doing push-up on my feed. Not because you’re a non-vet, but because you’re a COMedian. ;)

I wouldn't say fat, fat . I am not in the shape i want to be in. Maybe my idea of fat is diffrent. I will count myself as fat till i get my 6 pack back. I have droped 16 pounds since the start of yhe year.

Never had a six-pack, even when I was in the Corps. I was always very thin, but solid. Now I am hoping my belly does not touch the floor before my chest (Well my man boobs might help).

lol. I get that. Hey one more question. Is this timed like do you have to do this in 1, 2 or 3 minutes or is it till you just give up?