Shout out to homeless veterans and who is Guccifer 2.0

in #veterans7 years ago


Dear veterans

We the People have been protected by our military since the signing of the Bill of Rights in 1776. We did not know that 5 months before the Bill of Rights was signed the Illuminati formed and their plan included organizing the London Corporation which controls the global money and turning a blind eye to the evil which is Vatican city which undermines faith and morality by serving evil. We did not know that the Illuminati had joined forces with the controllers of the world bank and evil and formed tentacles within our US Federal government to gain control of our military and use this global super power towards their ultimate goal of destroying the social order and creating mayhem and chaos.

The evil, the deep state, cabal have used the military as guinea pigs giving our soldiers vaccines including, but not exclusive to, the influenza vaccine (1917) and nearly as many soldiers died as indigenous people who were killed by small pox, outright hunting or moving the tribes from their native territories to reservations. Just as many veterans are suffering having been used to test the secret weapons such as HAARP, DARPA, vaccines, sound cannons, drones, swarm technology and chemtrails as well as other bioweapons developed in laboratories and on Plum Island these weapons have also been used on the people at home in event such as the Standing Rock peaceful gathering and prayer community which included calling on the veterans to stand up against the security firms, National Guard who were filled with foreign agents and who had no respect for the land, water or indigenous people.

We are ONE people and we must stand together and care for one another. We are a small group of people who believe in the Bill of Rights, the pledge of allegiance. One nation, under God - the God of peace and love. Not the self proclaimed god of evil and destruction which is served by the SES. We believe we are going through the time of tribulation and that many have already come through the most difficult challenges but many are still suffering from the side effects and symptoms of eating foods which are packaged in wax paper bags laced with rat poison because the EPA owned the patent on the rat poison (rozol) and ALLOWED this type or assault on the American population. Thus same SES organization was started 100 years ago and has systematically been one step ahead of We the People and the www is the third world war. The Onion (dark web) created for bitcoin (control of the black market money and bitcoin - all bitcoin operations lead back to a single point). The technology has been developed by We the People and the Navy (SIGSALY) created the global communications network with patented technology that did not belong to the NAVY. At the same time project bluebird and project Mockingbird were being used to learn about mind control and develop secret programs to control any opposition including information and even plants given to us by the loving and creator God were made illegal (cannabis). President Kennedy knew what was happening and at this time it was possible to create a fake alien invasion with holographic images, this was planned to take place at the time of the Bay of Pigs but was disrupted.

Control of information and censorship is a priority for the Elite. As Elite these people actually bet on the outcomes of their activities and use the satellite technology to watch in real time as protests occur and their plans for chaos and mayhem, Main Stream Media 'MSM' coverage leads to advertising revenue and the people listen to the sponsored material and talking heads tell the people what the cabal want us to see and call it news.

We the People want to be away from this type of interference and we also wish to respect the need of the veterans to have a place and space to process this information. Towards this purpose we are opening a health and well-being community in Allardt, Tn. near to many rivers and lakes at the top of a bluff with natural water springs and creeks. We would very much like to have some veterans in our community. Why? The area has 200 acres for sale in parcels as small as 5 acres for about $18,000.00 fully wooded with creaks and as large as 17 acres for about $67,000.00 and we have purchased the 5.2 acres which has about 8 areas suitable for small homes. It is undeveloped but we intend to put in a good septic system which can handle a laundry facility, bath house with showers and toilets, a handicap accessible pavilion and security entrance. On the back side of the creek we feel that it is possible to put in tiny houses and that these would be suitable for veterans who are coming out of rehabilitation and need a safe space to recover their capacity to interact with the greater community. It would also be great to have veterans who are well, able and armed as this area can have bear, snakes, panther and wolves. We, the community are generally the type of people who will join the NRA and believe in the 2nd amendment but are also the type of people who have never owned or used a weapon.

We have never had to own a gun, the police have guns, our neighbors had guns and our relatives had guns, including our relatives who are veterans. We have a peer-to-peer veterans consultant on our founding Appalachian Refuge Center team but she can not be onsite all the time. She lives in NC and is taking care of aging parents so that we can fulfill our vision.

We can work out the details, if you feel that this might be the move you have been looking to make then contact us. We will build the community on respect for earth, respect for water and respect for one another.


Guccifer 2.0

Follow the White Rabbit - Patent on evil

by Cumberland academy

Medicine Tribe
[email protected] ph: 240 686 9295
The people are awakening