Reject being part of "Society"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #video3 years ago

Does anyone think that highly locked down countries are going to be the first to reopen? That these countries that have gone tyrannical in the name of Covid are going to magically turn around and ended up having more freedom than the countries that remained open? Here's a clue, they aren't.

We never wanted to rehash the great Virus Scare on this channel again, but the "powers that be" just won't let it quit. They have their false immunity jab now, but it's not enough. They are looking to blame the unjabbed for why their jab isn't working.

We don't have a pandemic crisis. We have crisis of tyranny. Many good people have not only lost their jobs, but also lost everything they've spent their lives creating. Families hitting the wall, and being divided against each other. Anxiety and worry about what's coming tomorrow. Neighbors turning against neighbors.

There are several studies showing that immunity from Covid recovery is the superior immunity, and of course it would be. Yet we immune people are being demonized for not subjecting ourselves to manufactured chemicals and unscrupulous authorities. Never in history have Nations sought to force vaccinations on people who already had immunity.

Listen to this Fauci clip with the media helping push the insane agenda.

Stop the propaganda. You don't make the case to us. We have superior immunity. The correct question is, how do you make the case that such people are due an apology.

Stop the propaganda. There is a good answer. It's called, "Don't take the jab. If you take the jab, then you're putting your life in unnecessary danger". Fauci, are you going to unnecessarily put people's lives in danger? Of course you are. Continue.

Here Fauci tries to discount the study showing natural immunity is superior, by stating that we don't have information on the durability. Absence of evidence does not make a case for taking the jab. Since when does science say, "Well we don't have evidence to go either way, and therefore we should go the direction of big corporations". If Fauci wasn't representing evil interests, he would at minimum say that we don't know yet, and therefore people with natural immunity should avoid getting jabbed. He won't say that, and he does represent wickedness.

Here in this next clip he talks about how the healthiest of people should get jabbed, even though we know the Covid fatality rate of healthy people is nearly zero.
Stop the propaganda. What about the odds of getting seriously ill or dieing from the jab? Fauci won't compare these things. Every action we take has a trade off, but Fauci is the worst kind of pharmaceutical salesman. Why don't you care about healthy people, Fauci?

So first he says the jab will prevent healthy people from getting sick. Now he turns around says the healthy people need to get the jab to prevent someone vulnerable from getting sick. But most elderly and vulnerable people have already received the jab. If the jab protects people from getting sick, then why isn't it protecting those who have already taken it?

And Fauci tries to imply that you're selfish for not injecting yourself and risking chemical disability and death, because it "isn't all about you". Then he goes on to weave a garbage story about passing and passing the virus. But the fake immunity jabs don't prevent anyone from contracting Covid-19. So you could get the double jab, and still contract the virus, and might pass it on to someone else, who might have a severe outcome leading to hospitalization, and even death. So Fauci, you better look at it that you're part of the globalist deceit agenda. And do you want to be part of the system that pushes false propaganda, and propagates harming healthy people? Yes, yes you do want to be that. Because you're garbage of the Earth.

And wasn't your fake immunity jab supposed to protect that other person from hospitalization and death? Of course it doesn't. In countries with the highest percent of people jabbed, rather than a Covid decline, we are seeing the number of cases explode.

Fauci is a mouth piece for the globalists and pharmaceutical corporations. The jab doesn't give immunity, and it never stopped the virus from spreading. Sorry Fauci. We aren't interested in being part of your society.

And then we come to the real life Dr Evil, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. It's kind of ironic, he even has the accent. Except, instead of trying to take over the world, countries are basically handing it over to him. There are many citizens around the world under the mainstream media illusion that if we all get the jabs, and all get the boosters, and just submit to all tyrannical demands, that we'll win the war against Covid, and we can all go back to normal and everything open up again. But that's not going to happen, ever. Society is never going back.

Schwab- return to normal is fiction.

When we look at larger society, this is the direction they are going. They will be fully medicated, fully controlled, and living in bubbles. They have to, they have no choice, as this is the direction of a civilization that further and further disconnects from nature. A life of comfort and consumerism. They will live an artificial life, own nothing, and be happy- on drugs. This is the inevitable outcome of a hedonist people who's greatest life value is pleasuring their own skin. We have discussed all of this at length in our previous recordings.

This is the inevitable outcome of a hedonist people who's greatest life value is happiness and pleasure seeking. We have discussed all of this at length in our previous recordings.

We have a choice. We can go with the rest of society and be destroyed, or we can go a different path. To go a different path isn't easy, but if it were easy, then everybody would be doing it.

For the rest of us that wish to survive; for those of us who seek to follow the Life Purpose handed down from our ancestors, we need to reject larger society. But we can't make it as lone individuals. Being some man that runs away and lives the rest of his life alone out in the forest is just another path to death. No. We must build our own families and communities.

Let us have children. Let us have many children, and prepare our children for the future. Our destiny lies with them. And while we reject larger society and globalism, we recognize it's impossible for us to 100% separate from them. We are still dependent upon the globalist system for today, but as we invest in building our own independent families and communities, that global dependence will become less, and as it becomes less, we be able to more greatly focus on the future of our own good people. Focus on gaining knowledge, exercising discipline, connecting with like minded others, and reconnecting with nature.

We send out love and to all our brothers and sisters. Praise to our ancestors. Stay blessed.


Previous video:
Evil is Winning, But Why?

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