I haven't really been able to get enough memes without hours and hours of slogging through facebook for months. Things seem to be lightening in their AI cause I can farm again. I'm also spending hours looking anyway because I think the world is going through profound changes right now. This is a big one... but I've found a lot of interesting gems this week.
These parkland twats

They are literally crisis actors run by companies specializing in crisis acting

Democratic party is soooo fucked right now

Honestly, the plans are way too similar

It's hard to watch

These people...

When it's state sponsered it means you're an idiot

Biden is a pedo. Obama committed treason over an dover.

Gun murders is small, and they mostly happen in 5 gun free cities...

How does this not create cognative dissonance making people want to know more

1 gun doesn't do much. There are millions in this country. More gun owners than soldiers... that matters.

Guns in the hands of women stop rape

Why the push now?

Why we can't have nice things

Lots of pedos out there getting awarded. Don't know about Buffett. Haven't seen much on him..

It happened to me!!! it happened to me... sobs

Don't forget about this predator

Florida shooter

Can't confirm this is from him


It's relatively simple

They are all tied togtether

How to cop block

I'm in favor of gun control for the state

Big picture

Dead baby cells are in your vaccines.

Happy go lucky. He's 28 she's 31. neither are kids. She's an actor with parents with a criminal record. His dad is an FBI agent who works for a crisis acting company

Disarm the police

For the lulz

it's for the kids

This is sociopathic...

Mark Twain said it is easier to fool a man than convince him he's been fooled

Can't tell jokes... fuck that

FBI seems invovled

Fucking kid rode his bike to the school shooting?

in Yemen protesting American involvement

Dude is weird


Vaccines again

How come these folks aren't angelic?


Turn in your guns folks...

Great curation of memes @aggroed!
On a side note, are you or anyone else here aware of the relation between current FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb and Project MKUltra Leader Sidney Gottlieb?
Very curious to confirm/deny this, so shamelessly upvoting this comment.
How dare anyone compare them to Nazis!
Congratulations. You memefied me. I get what you are shooting at.
I have never been so happy (laughing so hard) reading posts in steemit. I love this post. hahahaha I love this meme the news!
Very many memes you post, you are great, keep looking and making memes, i enjoy your meme
Thanks for your do diligence
Great memes 👍
I'm not quite sure how this fits in, but this seems the place for it. I had just perused this post and went off to look at other things when I found this:
Playboy Inc dropped it's Facebook Membership. This is the press release.