Be like a rock
Bersikaplah seperti batu karang, yang tidak putus-putusnya dipukuli ombak. Tak saja ia berdiri tegak, bahkan ia menentramkan amarah ombak-ombak dan gelombang-gelombang itu. Seperti hal nya kita janganlah mudah berputus asa walaupun hambatan dan rintangan bertubi-tubi menghampiri kita, ingatlah satu hal kerja keras tidak akan pernah menghianati hasil. Usaha dan do'a adalah kuncinya.
"Be like a rock, which is unbrokenly beaten by the waves. Not only he stood up straight, even he reassured the waves and waves. As it is, we should not be easy to despair even though obstacles and obstacles come barreling toward us, remember one thing hard work will never betray results. Business and prayer are the key."
@yodiarista ,You always come in new steem and especially after your follow-up began to benefit from you and the publications you publish I hope to complete this road