Hosting a Drawpile on Livestream- Come Draw with Me - #4

Hosting a Drawpile on Livestream- Come Draw with Me - #4
Category: CreativeSub-category: Art
Click here to watch the live stream!
Going to be hosting a Drawpile for a few hours today! Join me! Read below...
You can join me when I'm using Drawpile! It's an app that allows many users to do art on a single canvas. I Would love to have ya join. Feel free to write your social links with your art if you do!
Get Drawpile :
To Join: Go to the menu >Session >Join then simply type the Room Code! The room code is displayed in stream.
Derek & Brandon Fiechter
➠ Youtube Channel➠ iTunes (Derek)➠ iTunes (Brandon)➠ Bandcamp➠ Amazon Mp3➠ Spotify (Derek)➠ Spotify (Brandon)
Art with Rob Parenti - @rob-parenti ©2018~
Other product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners.
Animated Gifs provided via Giphy
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