SDK — how can you earn more with us

in #virtualreality7 years ago


SDK is one of VRT’s main products. Here’s how it works:

SDK is a technology for working with Virtual Reality. The reason VRT created its SDK is to give developers a chance to create high-quality VR content for distribution.

The VRT team and the most active members of the VRT community will control the relevance and development of new technology, adding to the SDK and earning VRW tokens as a reward. With this constant development of the SDK, we can offer the most current solution for creating VR content.

We have already prepared templates for integration of our full-body teaching technology with different devices. We will update them during the further development of the SDK.

The Gadget Solution Kit (HMD, motion capture sensors, controllers, etc.) packages solutions that enable developers to connect different physical components quickly and to process data captured with them through a single gateway.

The GSK library consists of many interpreters, connected with the most frequently used in VR action templates. With the prepared table of the SDK, the GSK enables VR content developers to operate a set of assets and automatically set up created content for working with different controllers. This set up will automatically identify controllers and adapt to their preferences.

When a new type or model of controllers is added, this component may be modified by the development team of VRT or by active members of the VRT community. Code changes and versions will be traced in blockchain, as will testing results.

Integration with graphic engines

Our solution is now integrated with several graphic engines, including Unity, Unreal Engine 4, and CryEngine, so our technology can be used to solve different issues. With the opportunity to choose an engine, developers get the chance to optimize their project both for mobile devices and specialized computers, adapted for VR.

System of VRT tracking

Our programmers have developed the module that allows tracking of all movements of specialized tags in space and transfer of the data on them into different applications. This system supports skeletal animation as well as rigid body, which enables the transfer of both users and other real life objects to VR. The module can also work with different systems of optical or hybrid tracking.

VRT full-body tracking

This special algorithm calculates the location of person’s body in space via inverse kinematics. This technology can predict the movement of a user or object and complete trajectory based on analysis of previously received data.

Full-body tracking technology reduces the volume of required computing power and allows imitation of a person’s movements via a small number of markers. This avoids long preparations for a game and does not require the players to put on special costumes. For example, when markers located only on the user’s wrists and head, we can calculate the vector of movement of his shoulders, elbows and forearms.

We will soon finish the third iteration of the system, which will be able to not only analyze vectors of movement, but also to consider them in the context of their surroundings. This development will improve the user’s perception considerably and simplify work with different objects and interfaces in virtual reality.

VRT — full-body tracking emulator

A test environment and content-testing instruments are designed for developers who do not have their own systems for tracking. This set of instruments consists of pre-recorded assets of movements, which together with a set of modules, allow testing of content with no need to buy costly equipment.

Moreover, the test environment allows developers to plug into the VR parks infrastructure and run tests using their equipment and infrastructure. In this case, content will be run in a special container, for tracking tests results and ensures a high level of safety in order to prevent possible intrusion of harmful programs.

Starting kit

For faster development and distribution of the system, we will provide pioneer developers with the special ‘Starting kit.’ which will include all necessary instruments with examples of different algorithms:

  1. Integration with optical tracking system, through which data may be received from external systems of geolocation of tags and set up via radio channel.

  2. Instruments allowing quick integration of tags with standard skeletons and external objects inside the game engine.

  3. An artificial intellect constructor for computer bots, which also supports integration with characters that is commanded via full-body tracking technology.

  4. Templates of integration with different VR helmets and controllers.

  5. A multiplayer system adapted for the full-body tracking algorithm.

What is emulator?

The full-body tracking emulator will be a set of pre-recorded movements, from which a developer may build a sequence of needed actions and test how the content reacts to those movements.

Another part of testing with the emulator is sending content to the network of VR-park developers for testing. In this case, the content will be uploaded in a special safe container and will be tested in one or two VR parks by real people according to the developer’s instructions.

For this purpose, some share of tokens will be reserved to keep testers motivated by rewards. Data on testers’ movements (so called ‘mockup’), as well as recording of testing and log errors, will be sent to the developers after the testing is done.

Who is the target audience of our SDK?

  • Freelancers and VR enthusiasts

  • Small studios that develop games or VR content

  • Marketing and digital agencies (for promotions and marketing scenarios)

  • Students

How does SDK help in developing VR content?

SDK is a set of ready-to-use functions and templates for solving problems. In other words, SDK allows use of the VRT libraries, so developers do not have to write tracking code themselves and spend years on it.

Interested in our SDK? Stay tuned! We are working on our technology and planning to release the SDK by the end of 2018. You will be able to purchase the SDK at for tokens.

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