Covid Insanity

in #virus3 years ago


Think people think for yourself. Or did the vaccine take away that ability also, along with empathy. I picture being in a big warehouse full of parrots. The big boss parrot says something and so it is now repeated incessantly.

Every day, more businesses and government agencies are requiring proof of a COVID-19 vaccination in order for
a person to travel, work , eat at a restaurant( pretty soon shop in general I'm betting) , go to school etc.

Everytime you parrot and follow the insanity that is happening, the easier for government and businesses to further add to the agenda. At some point it will be too late to turn it around, stop giving away your freedoms. BTW this will extend to future generations, your children will have to live in this world.

We keep having to "protect" America from invisible enemies. Yet giving up real rights, for a bit of stimulus money, or feelings of safety. In the end we won't have either if we keep allowing this madness.

I just saw a video of CNN anchor Don Lemon say that the unvaccinated should not be allowed to grocery shop, have a job or even own a drivers license.

We can't live in a free world if we keep allowing these people to take our rights because it's the easier thing to do in the moment.

The ones that are all for the Vaccine, you may feel safe for the moment. But you are enforcing that these people can make things mandatory as they please. In the end, you will have to keep abiding by harsher rules. Specially once money is fully digitized. The highers ups dont like something, (click of a button) no pay, no access... deny deny deny. And there may not be enough of us who were trying to speak up left by the time you are in too deep. No turning back.

Also think of who made out during this pandemic. It wasn't the little guy that's for sure, a baby stimulus of our own money back isn't enough. Big business keeps making money, companies in cahoots for "virus" testing, and those paid to speak lies are the ones living it up.

Here's just 2 of many many examples of barbaric, insane, mind manipulated atrocities commited in the name of doing what people thought to be right. In the name of a better world, or cleansing, of wahtever gets rid of the supposed bad, in this case a "virus". Except now, we the unvaccinated are being targeted as if we are the virus itself. If the vaccine kills now, or overtime in the future, they are exempt. We the unvaccinated are criminals apparently just for existing.

Anyways the 2 examples

In Germany, the Nazis required all Jews to carry special stamped ID cards for travel within the country (Sounding familiar..., its just a covid passport for ur safety, no big deal). These stamped cards were instrumental in identifying Jews for deportation to death camps in Poland.

Identity cards also played a role in the genocide of the Tutsis in the African country of Rwanda. ID cards had people's ethnic group on them. Neighbours killed neighbours and some husbands even killed their Tutsi wives. Brothers n sisters separated by some slight physical differences etc. Point being, this genocide didn't happen until the separation and being put into groups and ID'ing for identifying/separating of people. 100 days of good people, being mind controlled into the killing of 500k - 1 million plus of their own.

And if you ask me. We are all from Earth, forget the stupid dividing lines and borders and other nonsense everywhere. We are a species at War with itself. We have no chance if we keep things going this way. Also I think it's funny. I bet alot of people accepting this crap that it is, are God fearing people. Yet they would put their trust in Government,
and people in white lab coats, and greedy politicians and news anchors etc and so on etc. So much for having faith in your God Given immune system. Take the jab. Just don't try and force me to.

Anyways I could go on forever about this topic. I'll probably write another blog or two and still won't get close to what could be said about the insanity in the world right now.

I leave you with some synchronicity I experienced as I was listening to a podcast about this very subject.

This quote not only resonates fully with me, but it shocked me to the synchronicity of it. I am 38 years old. This is one of like hundreds of synchronicties I've experienced during my trying to figure out what is going on in this world.

Martin Luther King Jr. > Quotes > Quotable Quote
Martin Luther King Jr.

“You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid…. You refuse to do it because you want to live longer…. You’re afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand.

Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Me -

So if 38 it ends up being, it'll be with doing what's right and my spirit intact. I refuse to be a zombified 90.