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RE: I'm getting ready for next Steemit Vietnam meetup! It's so excited...

in #vn6 years ago (edited)

I'm truly glad you are preparing for the next meetup from now. So I'd like to have some suggestions.

  • Personally, short is better than long presentation. Similarly to reading, probably we are lazy to listen to something ( intensively) 1 hour long. LOL. And it wouldn't drain your energy as well.
  • If you decided to go for short one. Prob you can pick 1,2 or 3 topics to share with them but not continously. It depends on you whether you'll choose what to share, or creating a poll for people to know what they want to listen.
  • For them, especially newbies or interested non-Steemians, you can send to someone in VN to translate in advance your presentation. To make it purely Vietnamese or both English-Viet.
  • Don't forget giveaway part xD

Some personal ideas. The decision is yours. Thanks for reading :-)


The decision is organizer's of the meetup. But I really want to make long presentation that people will understand, I can add short coffee breaks to make it better to understand (like 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes coffee break and 20 minutes presentation again).
I'm planning to choose 7 topics including commenting, posting, using bots, etc. I was thinking about last topic name, I think giveaway is good idea. Maybe I can make interactive giveaway during meetup as well.
Sending it to somebody who is Vietnamese is good idea. But maybe it doesn't work for first meetup in future. I can prepare a video file with subtitles. Mostly my presentation file will have images, so I maybe I won't need subtitles, I can write Vietnamese next to it.
I'm planning to use Teamviewer or Skype but I think Skype is better with Vietnamese internet (according to my experience).
Creating poll for short presentation is good idea. Maybe I can make it interactive too (I can remove parts that people don't want to listen about after poll during meetup).
I also want to ask to @hanggggbeeee and @dang007 about their opinions. Especially @hanggggbeeee is expert about meetups, so she will know it good. May I use 1 hour during meetup?

Thank you @hungrybanana for your plan for next meet up. Why didn’t you mention me earlier. :))
In my opinion, meet up always needs a lot of things to do and I prefer something vietnamese people can do together directly in meet up. Because that is their meet up, they need to join in it. That is what i want. There were some problems in last meet up. It’s vietnamese felt really lost in their own meet up when the guest was talking to them via video call. Even though the guest was hightouch - the developer of dtube, the fouder of new platform on steemit. And even though he just talked within 20mins. @quochuy also had just 20 mins.

I agree with @adam.tran’s opinion. Short is better. Around 20mins. And just 1 or 2 topics. Because most of vietnamese is not good at english even in basis, especially listening skill, they need translation all the time so talking to the guess too long is not a good idea, i think, from the esperience of the last meet up. The presentation online need to be restricted since I think presentation in person is more attractive with people. I also want to give more presentation for vietnamese to make them feel that they own their meet up. Next meet up hasn’t been planned yet. I’m now still not sure about the presentation, i will schedule it when I have a plan for next meet up.
Thank you! ^^

I also think each topic needs to be short unless it is a Meetup with specialised topic.

Like you could do a once or twice a year General Meetup where we can have multiple short presentations to introduce the stopic of Steem to more users. Those who want to learn more can contact the presenters.

Then, maybe more frequently, someone can organise specialised meetups. For example a two or three hours Meetup to discuss one or maximum topics. Then users interested in that particular topic wouldn’t mind sitting and listening for longer period. Those kind of meetups can also be held online: Skype conferences, Discord voice chat etc...

We have to keep in mind two challenges within our community:

  1. The language barrier, especially in spoken form
  2. The complexity of Steem and the crypto technologies

These two points, when combined together, will lead to a much shorter attention span.

I saw another community had Discord voice chat every week for around 2 hours. We can do it for Vietnamese community too. I know their system, so I can help about this as well.
I will try to find a way to solve challenges you mentioned.

I appreciate your energy 😊
There are multiple communities that have regular Discord voice:

  • PAL has their MSP Waves Radio show that runs I think almost every day
  • PYPT (Pump Your Post Thursday)
  • Steemitgigs that does it weekely and last for over 8 hours with talks and singing
  • SteemStars radio show

Team Vietnam Discord server has a voice room too but we have not yet set any program. You are more than welcome to organise something. Just come up with topics, date and time and take over the voice channel.

I'll give you more details on Discord then!

Quochuy and I have the same points. Last meet up, when the special guest who is really famous one on steemit talked to us. He talked with english but I couldn’t understand all what he said to translate. Because he is origine turkish and living in france. His english form is so different with vietnamese english form. Firstly, when I planned for meet up, I didn’t want to make any online presentation because I knew the language problems. There were just two online presentations: one was hightouch - fouder of fundition which is a platform donating money for all expense of meet up. And one was @quochuy - our witness, to introduce about @teamvn bot made by him

I think the idea of making meet up online on discord is really good. Thanks @quochuy. @hungrybanana, we can carry out step by step with all your topics. Lets try with some topic of yours first. If it’s good, we will schedule to do it monthly with your every topic and others’ as well.

I'll be waiting for result!

Can we plan a poll for it and ask to audience during meetup? So I can talk about topics that they really need. I can prepare full presentation with different topics and I can remove it after revealing poll results. And it will be interactive, so don't worry about language and getting bored problems.
I didn't mention earlier, because I just decided to join after last meetup. Because I didn't know I can join online before.
I'll send you more information about my plans on discord.