The Case for A Class Action Lawsuit Against @Crensch and his accomplices for admitted criminal harassment, defamation per se and forensic interruption through shilling.

in #voat5 years ago

The Case for A Class Action Lawsuit Against @Crensch and his accomplices for admitted criminal harassment, defamation per se and forensic interruption through shilling.

@puttitout is allowing a criminal enterprise to take over Voat. Voat is now officially a place where good research goes to die and the reason is because a few actors have successfully manipulated a great platform into a travesty of freespeech that is no longer open to the public.

I am calling out this criminal behavior and I am insisting that these people cease and desist their behavior. Statistically, these stalker cases only escalate, once they have passed acertain point and this case has passed that point.

First, @crensch will attempt laughing this off and resort to insults. Then, he will try to post in as many places as possible to make sure this information does not get out. There will be no denying his own words in his own voice, which some people already claim to have recognized. As I am already part of a DA Victim Witness program, @crensch and his accomplices have violated a number of laws in my state that are counted as felonies; particular in their attempts to doxx me.

If @crensch calls you a pedophile or makes other egregious false allegations for the purpose of harassment, you should report him and his accomplices to the police immediately. Start with your local PD, then make a report with the federal authorities because it is interstate jurisdiction. With enough legitimate police reports from victims, the authorities will take action. The time is passed to start doing this. If you all want justice, you have to act. I am taking action. I take this very, very seriously because it is a serious criminal matter.

The legal precedent is clear that this is an organized crime racket that is designed to harass other users who post legitimate research that exposes their bosses. There is a serious and legitimate RICO case, here.

@theoldones only posts useful information as a way to make it seem he is a legimate user. @crensch makes fake accusations to seem like a legitimate actor. Neither of these people are being honest, ever. The suspected pedophile (because he requested child porn more than once) works in coordination with @crensch and @crensch's own words in the Poalcast reveal that they use the same exact bogus terms (like "unredacted court documents" which is a misnomer. ANyone with a drivers license can get court documents.) These "coincidences" lead most people listening to believe that they are one and the same person.

@crensch admitted on the poalcast that NOBODY doxxed "to pedophiles" and that is just a harassing way of wording things. His definition was that if it goes out to the public, at large, then a pedophile COULD see the information. This admitted hyperbole is a clue to how he fields all arguments against him.

@srayzie has irl connections to this group of bad actors.

@crensch admitted everything we need to know on a recent Poalcast, where he can't help but stalk me because I have scheduled appearances and he has an obsessive and stalkerish nature. These people are criminals and I have reported them to multiple authorities with more steps being planned to combat their criminal harassment of myself and other users. Please post any additional information that you have, demonstrating their willingness to target and harass sincere users.

Having followed me and harassed me onto other sites, @Crensch has taken to stalking me on Poal and even the Poal Mumble server. This is stalking, and given the attempts to doxx me, as well as the pedophile connotation of his accomplices, this is sufficient in some states to apply for a restraining order where @crensch would have to register as a sex offender. Why these people are willing to request child porn in a public forum is insane, to me, but these are the people who seek to criticize me and make sure I am not allowed to post any research where it might be visible to a large number of people.

Having been appropriately drawn out, @Crensch admitted to some troubling behavior and motivations on the Poal cast, where, in his desperate desire to make everything about him it is made clear his subs should be system subs. He is totally untrustworthy, operates under ulterior motives and, despite never posting any research (admittedly), @crensch's primary aim is to harass legitimate, sincere users. @crensch is a shill who should be banned from Voat permanently. @crensch admitted to this. We do not have to guess. It is a travesty that @puttitout allows him any power of other users.

Without going into too long of a diatribe, let's look at what @crensch admitted to on the Poalcast, where we can all listen to the recording to prove what I am saying is true.

I attempted to enter into an agreement with these drama spammers to never mention them, if they also agreed to not mention me. This was too difficult of a task for these bad actors.

@crensch admitted to making numerous false accusations, including where he called me a pedophile. Though he tried to bury the evidence of this, most people know this to be true and many have screen shotted the evidence. False accusations, particularly of this nature are is a terroristic harassment per the penal code in every state where he can be liable for damages in a variety of ways. @Crensch has falsley accused many people of being a pedophile, like @thebuddha, "just to be a dick." I encourage everyone he has falsely accused to post information about his behavior and report him to the authorities, along with his accomplice accounts, @shizie, @shizy (also made false accusations in a harassing manner), @theoldones (also made harassing false accusations in a systematic and coordinated effort) and, of course@srayzie who criminally harassed @gothamgirl and others, in tandem with these other accounts.

This is officially a criminal matter and it should be treated as such. I am as serious as a heart attack. Site admin should not allow the criminal harassment of users.

@Crensch admitted to doxxing @gothamgirl and @TexasVet, though attempted to redefine what he thought doxxing was. I will spell it out... sharing people's personal information with the specific intent to harass is doxxing and criminal harassment. @Crensch admitted to this behavior, stating that he is doing it "just to be a dick." His exact words. @crensch has admitted to multiple crimes.

@crensch admitted to voat manipulation using pings.

@crensch admitted to having access to IP information on Voat during the poalcast, though he tried to back pedal when he was called out on it.

@crensch admitted to a lot of information that suggests he works closely with @theoldones, assuming that account isn't an alt of his. Both of these accounts have doxxed other users with malicious intent and both are extraordinarily aligned with who they like and do not like. In fact, they are desperate to defend @srayzie, who was sending naked pictures around to all of Voat to gain influence over those with control over larger subs. After I made an agreement with @srayzie not to discuss these topics (because I would rather focus on research and music) @theoldones immediately set out to spend weeks defaming me with knowingly false accusations, nullifying the agreement.

I made another agreement with @crensch, to make a quid pro quo effort to stop the conflict, but @crensch ignored the agreement after I delivered and deleted all of my legitimate criticism of him, @srayzie and @theoldones. Notice that @crensch was very specific in his requests on which posts I deleted... he specifically request all criticism of @srayzie and the @theoldones were deleted. This is proof of a closer connection, showing that possibly @srayzie AND her husband are involved.

Please consider sharing the following information every time @crensch harasses you in order to make it clear that this behavior should not be tolerated by people in admin positions. Please report him to the authorities. If you are interested in joining a class action lawsuit against these people, I will be willing to lead the way because, apparently, that is the only logical way to get justice and recompense from these people. A court order where they pay for the damage they've done and some jail time are the only thing that are going to give them pause. At this stage, they are not going to stop unless something is done.

You may be entitled to seek damages.The legal precendent is clear for knowingly making false accusations:

Combining these false accusations, the admission that they were knowingly false, the persistent and systemic application of these accusations and screenshots of @crensch's many calls to violence show that this is a criminal enterprise.


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