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RE: Vocab-ability Suffix–322 (__able, __ible = can, possible) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #vocab-ability5 years ago


  1. Portable:
    I carried a flash drive with me for the conference because I find it portable than my personal computer.

  2. Legible:
    The Russians article was not legible because he was not good at English.

  3. Interminable:
    The sound of the blast was interminable because the contents were of an atomic bomb.

  4. Intolerable:
    The surgeon said to the patient that the post pains would be intolerable.

  5. Inseparable:
    The physicist failed the test because the results he obtained were inseparable.

  6. Responsible:
    Parent ought to be responsible for their children.

  7. Responsible:
    The youths were responsible for the theft.


Good work!