Vollmer Poured Silver is on Steem!

in #vollmerag7 years ago

Hi everyone, brand new at this and will need some time to figure it out .... My name is Devin Vollmer, I pour silver in unique design and you cand check it out @ devinvollmer.com. Hope I to correspond, collect ideas and be part of the group. Thank you, Devin



Welcome to steemit and steemsilvergold!!!

Thank you! Awesome to be part of #steemsilvergold

Nice pour, is this a take on the three monkeys proverb?
Hear no evil
See no evil
Speak no evil

apparently they see evil.

Welcome Devin, That's a really nice pour. Check out the #steemsilvergold community. We are like minded. Everyone enjoys precious metal stacking and pouring. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you and i will definitely check out #steemsilvergold.

very nice piece of silver Welcome to Steemit! :)

Thank you i greatly appreciated it.

Nice to see you here Devin. I've already wrote up a little blog about you two weeks ago so you're not totally an unfamiliar name here. You should add the tag #metalsmafia as well since you're on the money with #steemsilvergold. I don't recall you on the Members list at the metalsmafia.com but it's free, run by @pit-bullion, and fellow Steemian. There's lot to learn, and Welcome!

I finally made it ! The voyage was long one ...

I finally made it ! The voyage was long one ...

Hi, I checked out your website, really nice stuff! The Abyss is a really cool piece.

Happy to see you here! Can't wait foe more posts of your bad ass pours!

Thank you, I hope to post many!

Welcome to the party! We are trying to show steemit what poured silver is all about! 👍🏼🍺🥓

Welcome. Nice to see more silver pourers here on Steemit. Can't wait to see what you've got for us all

Hope to please!