Towards Voluntaryism (Part 5)

in #voluntaryism7 years ago (edited)

2.2. Education: Subversion of the Educational Establishment

Towards Voluntaryism (Part 5)


How the Channeling Structure of Education Can Be and Has Been Subverted

The channeling structure of the educational establishment is not insurmountable, even though the formal functions of the individuals that serve as the cogs in the machine remain largely static. The challenge is to influence the philosophical or ideological approach of educators to bring it into alignment with the belief system seeking to subvert the (pre-)existing order.

The historical progenitors of the current social justice movement (Critical Theorists) recognized this fact, and it is for that reason that the educational system was the first target of subversion in undermining the social values, free market ideals and the democratic principles of the west. In hindsight, this was a predictable development; indeed, Marxism's epistemological postulate that (most if not all) people are unable to transcend their knowledge sets with independent reasoning made it an inevitable strategy. Like it or not, this multi-generational strategy has been stunningly successful throughout the west.

The subversion, in part, was achieved by preying on the emotions of educators themselves. Educators, for the most part, see their primary goal as empowering individuals through education. Policies of wealth redistribution, widely believed to be a means of empowering the largest number of people (despite failures in the financial modeling and the countless catastrophic historical precedents), appears on the surface nominally rational (despite its immoral aspects). For this reason, educators were (rightly) deemed easy targets for a political and cultural subversion that opposed the consolidation of capital and at least gave lip service to the concept of opportunity for all.

Unfortunately, rather than subverting the education system to affect a Voluntaryist social and political order or to promote peace and prosperity, it was done with the intent of applying Marxist economic thought to the cultural sphere (which gave rise to the Cultural Marxism movement) - despite its negative stance on individual rights and its insistence on the necessity of violence to achieve the final utopia - both aspects rarely highlighted. This was the cornerstone of subversion that took root within the universities and has become the hysterical anti-free speech, anti-science, identity politics movement we know as social justice today.

This opposition to traditional western values and norms was fomented by placing a premium on self-interested relativism (in comparison to the Christian ethos of love thy neighbour) and an emphasis on the failings of western civilization, all while focusing on the provision of privileges as a compensatory mechanism for real or perceived injustices rather than striving for rational equality. Galland rightly makes this intent to undermine western institutions explicit when he states:

"Critical Theory is a play on semantics. The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure."

And behold... there is more dust than foundation left today in much of academia.

Consequences of the Subversion

The ideological subversion of educators has been successful at the university level, primarily in the liberal arts and sciences, where rhetoric and emotional decision-making is now often given preference over logic and reason. This subversion has cleaved the educational establishment as a structural component of compliance (voluntary, enforced or manipulated, as one cares to see it) from the existing economic and governmental principles of the west (and their mutual inter-reliance), setting the stage for a systemic collapse.

Extremely relevant and hopeful because it means awareness of this subversion has finally taken hold outside of the university environment (though admittedly almost too late at this point to save higher education without massive resistance by the general public) is The Common Sense Show's The Sovietization of American Academia.

Also relevant to this discussion is Sargon of Akkad's video Jordan Peterson Was Right, which treats a recent case of social justice bullying at the university environment; very much worth viewing!

(Purged by YouTube anti-free speech policies but back up for now...)

Over time, as students graduate from colleges and take up leading positions in the economic and governmental framework, critical non-compliance culture will spread from the educational sphere into government and then into industry. It appears this phase is in full swing as is best illustrated by Google and the case of James Demore. Ironically, the early industrialists' interests in institutionalizing mandatory public education so as to ensure the creation of an unquestioning working class is now being usurped as a means of undermining the traditional western ideals that empowered the industrialists.

It appears reasonable to suggest that we are watching the penultimate stage of the strategy of non-compliance play out today as it prepares to (attempts to) finally supplant the great American experiment in freedom, truth and democracy with top-down authoritarian coercive collectivism based on emotional relativism.

The goals of Critical Theory that Galland noted above are in the process of emerging into the light of day: family, democracy, common law and freedom of speech are crumbling under the onslaught of a vocal and ideologically captured minority that has apparently reached the 10% threshold necessary to attempt the forcible assertion of its belief system. If that supposition is true, it might be too late to stop a full swing of the pendulum that will, given every historical precedent, result in extreme upheaval and rampant violence.

On a related note, the likely economic consequences of this burgeoning transformation were recently discussed by Doug Casey in his interview on Why Millenials Favor Communism.

Learning from the Past to Revive Education and Sustain Freedom

image source

The divide and conquer strategy that has created the rift between the educational system and the economic and governmental systems today (and the majority of society that still nominally abides by the latter's tenets of free market capitalism and self-determination) is the result of the realignment of educators with, or in the direction of, the (neo-)Marxist model. This has succeeded largely because it uses constant appeals to emotion to prey on a populace trained to accept relativism as a guiding principle and to embrace anti-intellectualism as a identity marker in popular culture.

This ability to have one's emotions preyed on by bad actors has been made all the easier by the fact that formal logic, critical thinking and debate have been all but excised from the education curricula - particularly in public schools from the university down. This applies to (future) teachers as well as students. Although there are some K-12 schools that provide logic as an elective or have facultative debate clubs, participation is very limited in terms of the whole. Even college degree programs (very) rarely mandate seminars in logic or the scientific method at the undergraduate level or even graduate levels, particularly in the liberal arts and sciences.

With this in mind, the following recommendations will seek to establish a foundation that will transform the curricula beginning with the universities. From there, it is hoped that the lessons learned will be taken back to the primary and secondary schools to begin reversing the trend towards relativist authoritarianism. This is essentially the same form of subversion practiced by the Critical Theorists, but with the goal of increasing peace and prosperity and moving towards Voluntaryism, not overthrowing one form of authoritarianism for another. It is hoped this new educational paradigm will bear synergistic fruits with the suggested solutions for government and the economy that follow.

The goal however is not merely to restore the system to its previous homeostasis by reversing the inroads of Marxist thought and retrenching the strict crony-capitalist system of producing economic units of production for industrial level exploitation, but to enable the peaceful transition to a new Voluntaryist system that will ultimately create more peace and prosperity than yet provided for in the history of mankind.

This is admittedly a lofty goal, but just as the new neo-Marxist path to global governance is paved with inhuman violence and subjugation, the current warfare-welfare paradigm based on death and debt slavery is equally intolerable to anyone who claims to advocate peace and prosperity for all people. It is essential that any educational paradigm actually educate people about how governments work and the historical real-life consequences of each form of governance so that instead of repeating the mistakes of the past, we can learn from those mistakes to create a better world.

Next: Towards Voluntaryism (Part 6) - 2.3. Education: Reform and Rehabilitation


Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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Glad to see you back!

We have an #informationwar Discord group we'd like to invite you to; you'd fit right in ;>

I wrote down the discord address is you want to delete it before it hits the blockchain.

nah it's OK, we are talking legal ops here ;> instead of vetting, I will set up private channels for folks that want to discuss their own campiagns

right now, we're just inching towards organizing a decentralized hub ;>

I've been trying to log in to the discord server and keep getting the following message - does it not work with Tor or do you know what can I do to resolve the error? If not, no worries, I will muddle through somehow. Cheers!

best I can see is this:

But I do need to work on learning this myself I just resteemed the meeting summary if you'd like to check it out)

what about bridges...are you using bridges?

Looking up bridges and trying to figure that stuff out, crossing my fingers.

let me know if bridges work, they are supposed to hide the fact you are using TOR

I intend to write a post on anonymity and social media, and that would be big

I was playing around with bridges (figured it out, not too tough) but still can't connect to discord. I found the reason here so will try brute repetition for a bit and see if I can get in. Was hoping to participate in the text based meeting today.

Thanks for the welcome back Steve, nice to see you. I will have to check out what Discord is to be honest, but I am very glad for the invite. Thank you!

Discord is a free chat platform. Yet it is so much more. It also supports voice channels where you can optionally drop into big conference style chats, podcasts, etc. It supports screen/desktop sharing if you want, and it also can do skype like stuff. We primarily use it for chat or slack like discussion....

It's a pretty awesome application actually.

I will have to check that out. Does it have anonymity functions, i.e. does it mask IPs? I would like to meet you guys. By the way, parts 9 and 10 are up and focus on the specific mechanisms / components of the universities that have to be reformed first - perhaps the sections most worth reading thusfar. Next are the tactics in parts 11, 12 & 13.

I'll have to look that up; well worth a post if there are some anonymity mechanisms to use for IW

The link at the bottom of this article to the next article just goes to this current article again.

Just putting in place holders until I have the next post formatted and posted for the address.

This series may be the single greatest works I've personally seen on steemit to date. It is almost like you snuck off to some distant island to work on your masterpiece and you have returned to share it.

That is some hefty praise. In a sense, I was off on a distant shore pondering and working on this for many months. I have the education suggestions finished and governance largely so, with my work on economy ongoing. Right now I am working on formatting and making sure the links are still valid. I am writing on part 28 right now, just to give you an idea of where I am. The real meat is yet to come.

Finished formatting and posting education. Government next for Towards Voluntaryism. Coming in at nearly 45 typed pages, it is not for the TLDR hearted :P. Will mix it up a bit in the meantime before I continue with government, still working on the final 3 sections, but if you liked my suggestions for the curricula, you may just fall in love with my remedies for .gov. Thanks for your support!