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RE: The Real Reason Why School Shootings Happen

in #voluntaryism7 years ago (edited)

I only have two objections to this. You should've ended this post with "Mic Drop". And secondly, I'd have to disagree on advising students to drop out. I've seen the struggle that creates for a person in life. So I wouldn't recommend it as a route for anyone, except for maybe on a case by case basis where it might be the best option, or a last resort. Maybe sometimes it is. I wouldn't doubt that. All that you've said, otherwise, I do believe to be true. This is closely linked, intertwined, with social/mental health issues. It's just easier to ignore the truth. Because the truth exposes some ugly things about us as a society. We say we care all day long, we swear we care, but we don't make any large scale changes to help, much less mentor people who might need personal help. That does happen, and those people are human angels, but they can't fix a broken system. I don't think we're proactive about helping these kinds of things. We react in shock and terror after they've happened and then we go back to living how we were. And because of that they'll keep happening.

With all this said, if I ever do have a child, they won't be enrolled in the public school system. I'd never do that to any child of mine. There are wonderful teachers there, no doubt, but the system is not the best for the children or the teachers. I believe it hinders them both.


Hey, thanks for the comment, @intspekt. Actually, by the time I read it, I'd already begun work on the series I just completed about why kids should drop out of high school. In Part 2, I get into the specifics about how dropping out of school (at least in the United States) doesn't have to turn your life into a struggle to get ahead or make ends meet. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Drop Out of High School to Succeed in Life, Part 1
Drop Out of High School to Succeed in Life, Part 2

Thank you for your insightful comment!

Thank you, will do. :) Yeah, it could be a good move with decent parental guidance/involvement and/or a plan set forth. Not so much when it's aimlessly done. I'll go read...