Why Not A Volunteer Job?

in #volunteer7 years ago


Volunteer works does not just improve your skill it adds to your knowledge, experience, build greater community, kills boredom, improve socialization, improve creativity, get you new friends, improve your thinking, gives you emotional stability and also makes you happy.

Getting a job done voluntarily make things easier, though to the employer or the person in charge it is like getting things done for free to gou the worker it is more of acquiring knowledge, if you were to be paid for the job you will work to earn and not to learn or acquire things mentioned above.


Benefits Of doing Volunteer Works

  • Workers will view work as play or rest, work that requires physical or mental effort in organization comes naturally to people as a play

  • External control and threat of punishment are not the only means of bringing about effort towards attaining organizational objectives to which they are committed

  • Commitment to objectives is a function of rewards associated with their achievement.


  • People will exercise self direction and self control in services, and it objectives towards which they are committed

  • An average worker learn under proper condition, not only to accept responsibility but also to seek responsibilities.

  • The intellectual potential of an average human being are not only potentially utilized.

Volunteer workers are are rare but if you are among the few workers always put in your best. As saying goes "whatever your hands find doing, do it well"

Image source: Pixabay