Why voting is useless by an ex voter and current political activist.

in #vote8 years ago

I am not against voting but sometimes you need to know when you are set up to fail. Putting aside the fact that votes are tallied by a computer and we have had multiple generations of Americans indoctrinated in gov. schools why bother?

I was sicked to see how many Americans rallied behind Bernie Saunders a clown that champions one of the most destructive political philosophies the world has ever known. I should not call him a clown because the case could be made that clowns contribute more to society than politicians. At first I was also sick to see how many Americans rallied around Trump a loud mouth north-easterner with money and an authoritarian disposition. But I get it. And last but not least Hillary Clinton. I swear if I thought it mattered I would cast a vote against that woman. America are you brain dead? What is this woman even doing here? Why is she not in jail? Am I going the have to see this woman in public office for 30 years of my life? Oh, Heavens NO!!!!!!!!!!

So since we got the annoying part done let really solve some problems without voting and asking permission. First and foremost if you ever use your liberty to violate someone else you should be punished.

In prior blog post I discuss my action plan to win in traffic court. You may think that traffic court appearances are trivial matters but if you pay attention to the proceeding you will notice that you build the case against yourself. What my action plan is is to make them build their own case and ask them how exactly do they get jurisdiction over me and my activity and? From the time they pulled you over in your private capacity they have violated your due process rights which makes everything else they do illegal. Quick look surprised!

My action plan is the solution to all these police shootings. If you have not committed a crime the cops have NO reason or authority to pull you over if you are not engaged in transportation. News flash in most states traffic tickets are used to write civil infractions, which are not crimes.

I am on a mission to change this not for everyone but for me. The system thrives on Americans selling their birth right without protest , so I don't see some type of nation wide policy being put in place to stop it. But I can envision at some point that travelers will be set free quicker and without tickets if evidence on the scene lacks the elements to prove "driving" which is a legal term for commercial activity on roads.

So there it is I don't vote, I go to battle when opportunities present themselves. Who knows I may be able to sue for violation of my Yah given rights.


I upvoted You

Sounds like a sovereign citizen. I hope you find what you are looking for.

That sounds like a stupid term. If you are a sovereign you are that, and if you are a citizen you are that, you can not be both. I always considered myself an American. Its funny how assertion of rights that were fought for are considered a wacky term sovereign citizen. Which means nothing but is defined by the opposition.

Sovereign citizen is someone who is born in our society but believes the society's rules do not apply to them because they have not accepted the rules. Therefore no one has jurisdiction to present judgement onto them unless they have given that person the right to. It is a weird way of thinking about it, but it is a thing, and this kinda of reminded me of that.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement

Sorry that's not me. My argument is that if I am acting outside of their regulatory purview which we the people delegated to them than their is no infraction. Example: If you are on a fishing boat and wild life officer tells you to give him your ID and you gave him a fishing license he would assume you are fishing and therefore subject to his jurisdiction. However if you gave him an ID card he would have to prove you were fishing. The production of a license could and would have binding obligation on you. So laws absolutely apply if you are acting in the capacity in which cops have jurisdiction. I know as Americans we have been taught that they have control over everything but that is not the case. Most if not all laws target a specific activity.

Thanks for sharing your opinion! I guess the sovereign citizen tag doesn't apply here. Keep sharing!

I also quit voting, as a Christian anarchist. It goes against my belief in the nonaggression principle and selection of a king wasnt too great an idea according to 1 Samuel 6-10

I don't know how this thing ends. But as a believer its weird that my brothers think Trump is going to save them. I read the instruction manuel and Trump's name was not mentioned.

Haha, I usually tell all my Christian friends "Do you even Samuel 8, bro?"