Walk With Me before the Sun Comes Around

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

I went for a wander this morning before the sun made it high enough to shine over the trees in my backyard.

Everything was covered in a heavy frost, tiny intricate icicles clinging to every surface. I looked out over the water and could hear the creaking and cracking of the ice flats shifting as the sun gradually shone upon them.

After the chickens got their food and water I wandered around taking pictures and then played around in PicsArt bringing the resolution up to try and make the photos more interesting. I'm no @lyndsaybowes but I think I got a couple good shots.

I hope you enjoy this walk around my Slice of Heaven.

frosty rose bush

sumac trees line one area of my yard, their brilliant burgundy berry clusters fuzzy and iced

a clump of old mans beard and a barred rock feather in a patch of ornamental grass that's now dead and brown...

sparkley sideways sumac stick

frozen stream of runoff from a drainage pipe that I put in on one side of my main veggie garden

stump with glistening frost

pretty red rosehip, wrinkled in the cold

Queenie out and about, never shies away from the camera

Broody Dalle doesn't care for my silly business

"What is it now Amy?" Goldie unimpressed as ever.

The chickens seem a little grumpy this morning. They should perk up later today with a high of 3°c forcasted.

"what do you mean spring is over a month away?!"

I hope you enjoyed my walk around today. While I don't really care for the cold I appreciate it's beauty.

Much love,
banner by @soulturtle



Haha, the chicken pics! Was never too fussed with birds, but since a recent stay at a friend's small farm, I do quite like chickens. I suspect it's more due to her enthusiasm than the birds though... ;)

Yeah they are great, very funny little creatures, always good for a laugh!

You should never have broken the news about spring. Had a good morning chuckle, thanks. 😎

Yeah I feel bad, this is the first winter for that pullet, must be a strange experience!

Wow this was very well written. Had me feeling I was there on the walk and with the chickens. Fantastic post @amymya! Look forward to more of these. :D

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I felt descriptive this morning :)

haha...it is great that way.

WOW. Gawjuss pics. I love the frozen runoff. At first, I thought it looked like a creature bursting out of it's trouser leg. Great details.

Queenie is very photogenic. Those hens look like they have great personalities.

My fav is the closeup of one of the hens doing a selfie perhaps :D

Great stuff
Anj x

Thank you! Yeah my hens are hilarious, most of the time, they make me smile :)
We were taking some selfies! But it was first thing, I was looking pretty haggard close up, haha <3

Great job out there braving the cold this morning, I too found it too hard to resist once I looked outside, I was out right away in my pj's freezing my ass off trying to capture the beauty. I LOVE the last pic of the chicken omg that's such an amazing expression you got !!!!!! The frost photos were gorgeous too, well done with your phone girl!!!

Hahaha, yeah it was cold! Some of the girls wouldn't come out of the coop, haha.
The close up is of Copper, Goldie's offspring. She's starting to be very vocal like her aunt Scully! And very funny <3.
Thank you for the photo praise, I was out there trying for quite a while! My fingers were frozen for a long time after, haha.

Hahahahaha, I saw the frozen stream and was so surprised! I had never seen something like that. I then thought "well, everything is frozen!" and you showed us a chicken. I was in a mental state of "everything is frozen" and got a bit scared that the chicken was frozen too O.O

How do they live in such a cold environment? Do they have a warm place to stay while they're not being fed?

And I love love love your landscape. I want to live there T_T It's so wide and wild. I'd like to explore a bit of the mountains, get to know the area and the vegetation.

Thanks for sharing these pics, amy. They brightened my morning! <3

Aww, I'm so glad they brightened your day Sharon! The chickens stay warm by fluffing up their feathers and trapping air, which heats up to keep them warm. And by cuddling at night if they need to :) They have access to food all day as well, which heats them through digestion.
Everything else is frozen that's for sure!
Much love,

Soon enough the green will be back in your frozen vegetation and life will begin to spring up. Spring is coming!!! Loved your fun walk about this morning. Thank you for sharing.

You are most welcome! CANT WAIT for spring, we usually get our mega snowfalls in feb and march here :( But still, soon enough!

Our kids miss the snow! We moved 3 years ago to Florida from northern Indiana where the winters were FREEZING and we had lots of snow from the Lake affect off of Lake Michigan. I do miss the snow, but winters are perfect here in sunny Florida... just bloody HOT during the summers. :)

Hahaha the last hen😂
Beautiful pics @amymya <3 I think ice/frost are my favourite winter pics. So sparkly!!

Thank you Karen, I love the sparkles too <3

LOL that last pic scared me. Thanks for the tour! Always great to see frosty areas since San Diego basically NEVER gets that cold.

~ Kevin

Lucky, haha, I could do without the cold. I'm glad you enjoyed though <3

Hey @amymya, your photography is really good, especially those close ups of your brood! Love the madness of the frozen run off trapped in escape ;)

Thank you @ricia, its fun to try to capture some of the beauty around here :)