Running As Fast As I Can While I Walk.......................

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)


Flowers, flowers. Flowers everywhere. As I start my walk. I know that flower lovers would love this walk with me. So many flowers and flower like plants wherever I walk in this neighborhood community.

I have always thought that there is a difference in a neighbor community and a planned community. A neighborhood community is one that everyone has their own ideas about houses and homes.

In a planned community. You have to take what is offered. Even though it is very good. No planning here. Just flowers.

Florida is a land of "motor homes" as well. You see them wherever you go. Why? Well, they are very nice. All the amenities of home. And easy to hook up to your Friend's or relative's facilities that you are visiting.
It is always good to have extra living quarters here in Florida. Especially in the winter. Many warmer weather seekers come down from the North. A good idea I will add. Ha ha

Do not be concerned about where to live here. The building here in Florida is amazing. This has to be one of the fastest growing states that I know of. It never ends.
And not in our little neighborhood community alone. There are several new houses being built right now by builders to sell. Are you looking?

Just keep walking. There is much to see and share.

I remember @rebeccaryan getting excited about all the photos I was going to be able to share in my community walks when we came down here.
I am sorry Rebecca for having delayed so long. But, we are now beginning. I hope you find it all interesting.

It is my hope too, that @lyndsaybowes will take the time to look at my neighborhood community "walkwithme" post.
The tag is one of her own and I appreciate and thank her for all the work she does for us and Steemit.
And I hope that you will too.
Oh, and be sure to listen my my song selection today as well. I get out of the lovers' mode of thinking for one day. I pick the tempo up considerably. lol

I might be one of the "real estate" sellers best friend. Wonder if there are any here on Steemit. Florida is a great place for property transfers. Selling and buying is non stop it seems. And this is why. Even in the winter.

Palm trees are everywhere. Imagine that.

The residents here never give up. Each year has a new idea for improvement.
Not for everyone. But for many. I can see it as I walk along.

Are you looking to buy a place with some of your "crypto" profits? I don't know about the rest of the worlds' warmer climate areas. But here in Florida. You will have many options.

No, I am not a real estate agent. I am just showing you what I see as I walk along.
If you are looking for just a modest place for fix up and spend just a few months here out of year. This could be one example of that. It is good enough.
Curbside appeal decorators can see all kinds of potential here. And the value would increase too. Is this one for sale? I don't know. The way we bought our place was to ask. There wasn't a sign up. But, after asking. We made a purchase. And I have been happy about it every since.

This house has a Northern look. Some people don't like block houses.
The place above could use some renovations to make it have curb appeal. Great opportunity for fixer uppers. There are a few houses in this area that needs the talent of renovators. It would have a very different look.

Francis. Are you sure you want to put this sign up to see? You know that @rebeccaryan is prowling around looking for such as these. And you know that inquiry minds want to know. lol

This sign is not uncommon. I see signs such as this from time to time here. So sad.

Do you want to have a huge place to be satisfied? Then you wouldn't like this place.
I think it is fine for anyone wanting to have winter place. Even for year around living. The upkeep is easier and cheaper. Remember the property taxes Friends.
Yikes on that.

Francis. Houses are nice. But did you see anything else in your walk? I am glad you asked. I love to look at houses. Potential anyone?
But, let's roll on to something a little different now.

Palm trees. These people like palm trees as well as a nice house.

I like this place. What do you think?

This looks to be very Floridian to me. I didn't want to leave.

Lots of palm trees. I would imagine that it would be expensive to put these in place?

And it gets better. Your very own coconut tree. I like that......

One more look.......

That is enough Francis. Leave the palm tree residence and the magnetic pull to stay.
Leave man. Leave. Ha
Find a truck or something. Forget the palm trees. Maybe someone you know will buy that place someday.
Oh. sure enough. A pretty blue truck. I like blue.

Before I go. I have to remember my good Friend @rebeccaryan.
This will surely make her day. Ha ha
Did you know that she likes signs? For sale real estate signs? In fairness. So do I. lol
For the first few years of being down here. We traveled for miles looking at for sale signs.
It can almost become a hobby.

That should do for now Friends. Walking in my neighbor has many interesting views to see.
I would think that you do in your neighborhood as well. Be sure to add them to Steemit.
Steemit is calling out to you to do so. And good content will be rewarded too.

As I had promised earlier. Here is my offering of a song for you today.
It is not my usual "love song" entry and appeal to your human side of living.
Even though that applies with this one as well. Just a different thought and tempo attachment. One of my all time favorites.
See what you think?

Added to Youtube by: Sarah Fidler--Published on Oct 1, 2011

So Friends. We keep running. That is the only way. Don't stop. We have to keep moving. When we stop. Sadness and depression can set in. I will keep on running.
I have to. That is who I am now.

All this for you and Steemit. Look for great things not thought possible for Steemit and for us this year. Keep the faith.
Never give up.
Steemit Logo.png

Thank you for being a Steemian and for following my work for you.
I appreciate all of you.



Yeah, I'm running on empty Francis...
Thanks for scouting out the real estate in your area, you just never know what the cold will drive a person to do but I have to say that I am conditioned for cold and not heat. I have a lot of trouble physiologically with humidity (due to MS) so have to exercise extreme caution.

It is hot here in the summer. And the humidity is high. But, I had learned to cope with it.
When outside working. I sweat so much at times in the heat. My T-shirts are as wet as being in the washing machine. But, after I get to sweating like that. It seems to be OK and I have no discomfort.
It is the getting to sweating profusely can be uncomfortable. But, it soon passes.
I like it here. I could stay here all year and be happy. One year I was only gone for 2 weeks. It was just fine.
Not for Pat though. When she gets restless. She leaves for Ohio. She stays gone for weeks and months at a time.
I guess she thinks I am so old and ugly. She has no fear of losing me. Ha


Lots of really lovely flowers, tall and short palm trees, coconuts, lots of nice houses for sale, a beautiful blue truck and great music! You have it all Francis, my friend. I can see why you love Florida!

It is a good place to live. Especially in the winter. The number of people here in the winter is significantly higher now. I wonder why. Ha
I love music. I don't know why I never played a guitar or piano. I was never settled enough to learn. Nearly always moving. That is why I never got too heavy I guess. Just keep running.
As you may know. I have red truck. I like that vehicle better than any I have ever had. It is loaded.
It just doesn't have the navigator screen. Most everything else, including being a 4 X 4.
Thank you for your kind remarks. I have been around for while now and enjoy being on Steemit.
I look for great things for Steemit this year. Many will be surprised I think.


Great job, Francis

Thank you cullyguy. Beginning in the 60's thru the 80's. Some of finest music and songs you will ever hear was born. It was a good time to be alive then. Come to think of it. Any time is a good time to be alive. Ha
Especially on Steemit.


Yes I'm a child of the 60's so I would agree on the 60 and 70's music

Great photos, Francis. Yes, the building and road construction never stops down here. It's been growing like crazy around my house.

The building and construction always proceeds the road building. That so disgusting for people wanted to go someplace. Our planners must never get on the roads it would seem. I know that funding can be a problem at times. But Florida would have to be just throwing the money away to not have enough to do more.
The commerce here is unbelievable. Spending is like there is no tomorrow by visitors and tourist.
The revenues would have to be through the roof.


Dear Friend
How I wish I had such beauty
House, car and beautiful garden
Greetings to you
I wish you success

A lot of that beauty is not mine. I could wish. Ha
But, where I am is good. I like it for now at least.
Thank you


The name Norman seems familiar. I don't believe the one I am thinking about is lost.

Running on empty can be dangerous. We should all know that. But we do sometimes anyway.


Francis, today Your walk brisk pace, the music sets that tone. The positive in all things. Yay! It is so nice. By the way, I really like this tree-palm - on the first photo. Thank you for a pleasant weekend.

Thank you.
How could we do any less than our best? The question always remains though.
Is your best good enough?Ha
Thank you again. I appreciate your kind words.


Walking is a better activity to keep good healthy. Blood pressure control from walking. No sugar.... Fabulous colors flower attract my heart deeply. Your post always attractive. Thank you!!!
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.

We try to keep our work and posts interesting. Being able to find something to like.
That is why I add my songs. Maybe that will appeal to some.


Outstanding photo locations. Coconut trees has more with good result. Excellent looks rose/ white color bunch of flowers, tree bark styles totally part awesome. Evergreen environment gives stress free. Good nature gives up better health condition. Thanks a lot for post.

We work at times it may seem for very little. But, when Steem goes to one hundred dollars.
All the work and effort we put into Steemit will seem like nothing then.
Thank you


Fantastic video song and beautiful flowers included this post. I really love this post coz various colors flowers. Nice walkwithme post you always provide steemit. Keep going @francisk.
Steem on...

Running on empty. Great song.
