Walk With Me: Gates And Interesting Paths, Harbour Island, Bahamas
In a previous story, I took you on a walk so that you could see what some of the charming homes located on Harbour Island (in the Bahamas) actually look like.
Today, I Want To Show What Some Of The Intresting Doors, Gates And Pathways Actually Look Like.
Now, I want you to take a second look at the hardware on the door...more specifically at the knocker

Can you see what I see?
The House Named “Blue Ruin” Has A Brass Whale For A Door Knocker And When The Sun Is Just Right, It Casts A Whale Shadow
How cool is that!
Carrying on, a little further down the road, I discovered an estate called Tucked In.
Doesn’t that just make you want to follow the little pathway to see what’s at the other end?
Oh look! Surprise Surprise...a rooster and a hen!
At the end of any path you will always find either roosters or a hen with her chicks or a combination of all three.
Some Of The Pathways Lead To The Sea
Once we get around the corner, that is.
Some of the gates are more elaborate than others.
Some are really tall.
Some are meant to keep people and things in or out. It’s up to you to decide.
Some are non-descript until you get closer and take a second look.
(The name of this house is coconuts and its plaque is hanging directly below the light (in the photo below).
Oh, The Whale Theme Never Gets Tired
This one feels “hobbit-like”.
This gate is an entire section of picket fence. Take a second look and you’ll see what I see. The rubber wheels enable the two sections of pickets to open.
This One Is One Of The Most Historic
It belongs to the White Lodge which was originally granted to a Mr. John Tedder In 1791. It’s a private home that can be rented, or purchased as it’s currently for sale. (Just like most of the rental estates on the island are.) What’s really unusual is that It’s sitting on 4 acres of land. (That’s one massive compound for a small island.)
In the photo (below) you can see The White Lodge’s commemorative plaque.
It’s set into a stone fence that borders part of the property on its ocean side.
I thought that it was really interesting to see a little piece of the property’s history as well as its more modern-style gate.
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...sometimes farther than the garden gate and sometimes not. ;)
~ Rebecca
That is a fun perspective of the Bahamas. I find it interesting that so many of the rental properties are also for sale. Do you think that's because the market is tough and people have been trying to liquidate?
I also enjoyed the whale knocker. We don't really have those where I'm from, so it stands out a bit, but in a good way.
This is a great question @themanwithnoname! I've traveled a bit but would not call myself a seasoned traveler. I have never seen this anywhere before, where so many big ticket properties are for sale or rent at anyone time. It makes me think that perhaps there is a group of aging owners that just aren't using their vacation homes and quite possibly as you have suggested, trying to pull cash out of their real estate investments. :)
That's sort of what I was guessing, but it's hard to tell. It's just a bit strange that so many of them would be for sale at once. I guess we could knock on doors and ask. :)
It sort of reminds me of my house in paksitan with big gates and modern doors . I’m leaving tomorrow night :) hope you’re having fun !!
I hope you’ve had or or having safe travels to your home @journeyoflife. I hope you have a good visit and your babe gets to meet all of his relatives. Can’t wait to see some pictures. ;)
@rebeccaryan Wonderfull Photography each country have special doors .. :) as you can see in morocco we have some beautiful doors like this one , As They say some doors are meant to be kept closed
That’s a gorgeous door @dinishi! Thanks for sharing it.
this walkwithme theme on doors of house and nicely represent about the abstract, some fancy and whale theme are really meaning full if they are using steemit! but around everywhere they are well decorated and prepare for the people that they can always enjoyed at the island.
Interesting....but really it’s very special...it’s an amazing place..your concept is unique...the door of houses is nicely presented...and path way also... very creative thinking ...thanks for sharing..
Very pretty Rebecca
I can see that you and @knarly327 had a beautiful place to see while you were on vacation. Your posts may inspire some that haven't been there to go now.
I know that you said that it wasn't a quick easy flight to get there.
But, that is what makes it more interesting.
You do so well explaining what you are trying to show us, so that we can enjoy your photos even more.
Thank you
Thanks Francis! It’s in the details that makes a place so different from the next and I think that because it’s more of an adventure to even get here, it saves it from being over run and changed too drastically. If it was on the beaten path, it wouldn’t be so charming...in my opinion anyway.
Wow wonderful place & it is really look .this is great article . this is very very beautiful photography and good work.
love it .
Thanks @rebeccaryan
Have a great day
Thanks for looking and commenting @goldcoin!
I hope you have a great day too.
Wow !!! Really amazing place .
It also beautiful with natural touch .
Thanks for sharing sis @rebeccaryan
Finally i want to say that was ......
Thank you.
That plaque is so cool! Beautiful shots Rebecca!
Thanks for hanging in there with me @dajohns1420!
With any luck I’ll have a successful cannabis story to share about this island. Just waiting on some mail to arrive. ;)
Oooo I'll be waiting patiently for that! I check your blog regularly :)
wow! its cool. Very interesting topic Beautiful photographs @rebeccaryan waiting for your next post