" I am" Is Full Of Power

in #wallstplaya6 years ago


Over the past 60 days I have been really focus on changing my state of mind...

In order to get different results you must do different things...

So I started looking into affirmations...

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you make positive changes...

The most powerful affirmations is the "I am" affirmations...

These affirmations are statements that you think about yourself...

Death and life is in the power of the tongue...

So believe is or not our thoughts and words presents our present and our future...

Think about the young lady who says that all men are dogs. But she continuously gets into relationships that ends up with her partner cheating...

Or the friend that says "I am broke", and every time you see them they can't rub two pennies together...

So what you say and think have power...

The two words "I am" is the most powerful words on the earth...

Even Jesus used the words "I am"...

I am the bread of life...

I am the light of the world...

I am the door of the sheep...

So therefore when I hear about the power that is in I am, then I most use it for my life...

I developed 10 "I am" affirmations for myself...

I am speaking these affirmations daily as well as writing them down in my journal daily...

Words and thoughts that are repeated often sinks into the subconscious mind and affects your behavior, actions and reactions and you begin to manifest the things you are repeating...

You attract what you are...

Not what you want.